Walking barefoot gives us feeling of wellbeing and multiple benefits, but if we are not used to doing it, we will have to start slowly to prevent damage to our feet

Walking barefoot, contrary to what many people believe, yes bring us benefits to our health, since with this simple fact you can exercise all the muscles in the foot, and as constantly repeat it they are fortaleciento.
What is known in this regard?
Studies that have been made in this regard have shown that When you put is feet in direct contact with the ground, received a lot of benefits for both body and mind health. As all know, there are many nerve endings that help to eliminate body elements damaging as the stress and anxiety to come into contact with the Earth feet.It is better to do so directly in the ground, on the meadow and the air free, but not having that possibility, is valid also do so in our House, on the floor either of wood or cement.
Benefits of walking barefoot

- Stimulate the blood circulation, which in turn allows a better oxygenation.
- It allows the body to remove more easily a lot of fat and toxins.
- Eliminate stress, depression and neurosis, strengthening the nervous system.
- Prevent varicose veins, since it strengthens the venous system, and allows a better distribution of nutrients throughout the body.
- When walking barefoot, is pressure on all the nerve endings that are connected to the different organs of the body, allowing to heal some diseases that are caused by the blockage of these energetic channels called meridians.
Although this is a fairly easy to make relaxing therapy, they should be have some care to do so, since there may be certain elements in the soil that could affect or hurt our feet. In addition, it is essential that you begin slowly, and as your muscles will strengthen, increase the duration of these tours.And you usually do this often?
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