Benefits of including a cup of coffee and a tea in your diet

Since both have benefits for the organism, you choose which suits your tastes and needs
Beneficios de incluir en tu dieta una taza de café y una de té
What is the best? would a cup of coffee a day or a cup of tea? Surely you've made you this question on occasion, especially in the morning or at noon. For your information we will tell you who, according to a recent study published by the British Heart Foundation, in a day come to take in the world about two million cups of coffee, while, at the same time, twice as many cups of tea are consumed.
We could say that it is "almost" question of culture. Thus, while in the United States and part of Europe it never fails that Cup of morning coffee, in England and in many Eastern countries more lean by a good tea. However, we also have to take into account the curious case of Holland, for whom it is common blend black tea with coffee and a little milk.
However, the question before all of these data would be: what is then more beneficial? Tea or coffee? We explain what you then.

Coffee or tea: what is best for our health?

According to the study previously cited, nowadays tea consumption is the highest and continues to increase year after year, leaving behind the choice of coffee. This mean that the coffee is not good for our health? At all. The reality is simple: both drinks are suitable and very beneficial for our body. However, the key is balance and moderation in consumption.
Let's see a quick and illustrative comparison that answer us the most important questions:
  • Combat Diabetes type 2: just coffee.
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis: both.
  • Helps fight allergies: tea.
  • Removes the appetite: just coffee.
  • Promotes weight loss by speeding up the metabolism: both, but in the case of coffee is best "green coffee".
  • Helps delay ageing: both.
  • Increases cholesterol: si consume coffee in excess, Yes, tea never.
  • Decreases risk of diabetes: just coffee.
  • Helps to prevent or reduce inflammation by arthritis: only tea.
  • Reduces the risk of Parkinson: only coffee.
  • Reduces the risk of Alzheimer: only coffee.
  • It contains antioxidants: both, but more tea (especially white tea).
  • Helps to prevent the cancer: both.
In conclusion, as you've pointed out before, both drinks are healthy and suitable to include every day in our diet. The biggest problem that is usually associated to the coffee and tea is usually that they can raise our blood, given tension caffeine or caffeine-based composition.
We will tell you that a study recent of the Hospital Samsung Kangbuk Seoul (South Korea), the daily consumption of two cups of coffee a day and one tea would help us to reduce the risk of arterial occlusion and, with it, the odds of suffering a heart attack. The reason? These drinks, consumed in moderation, we help you reduce calcification of the arteries.

A cup of coffee and one of tea a day. How should I take them?

First of all we must clarify an important aspect: not all have the same Constitution, same health problems or the same habits. It is for this reason that, on occasions, a same drink feel well in a body but not in another. Thus, it is essential that you know how normally your body reacts to tea or coffee.
That said, we will tell you also that the maximum amount of coffee and tea which we can take a day is as follows:
  • 2 cups of coffee, being a cup of 100 ml.
  • 1 cup of tea, being a Cup in this case 150 ml.
  • It can also be the other way round (2 cups of tea and a coffee).

Coffee and why should I take it

  • Coffee is a natural protector for your liver. According to the journal Hepatology, drink two cups a day of coffee helps to reduce inflammation and fibrosis if we suffer, for example, fatty liver.
  • The coffee is rich in polyphenols, a type of very powerful antioxidant which helps to combat the effects of free radicals, protecting us from many diseases.
  • It is an ideal drink to start the day, to give us power, enable us and increase our ability to concentrate.

The different types of tea that I can take

As you have said, to the day you can take between one and two cups of tea. However, it may that you wonder what is the most suitable. You can choose which suits you according to your needs:
  • Tea Oolong, ideal for weight loss and delay aging.
  • Green tea, rich in antioxidants, a good digestive system and metabolism.
  • White, tea is the most antioxidant-rich natural drink, is the healthiest tea you can take.
  • Red tea, is ideally suited to fight bad cholesterol.
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