In the stage of pregnancy may develop anemia, which occurs when blood does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues.
Pregnancy occurs a greater amount of blood to support the growth of the baby, but if there is a lack of iron or other nutrients, the body may not produce enough red blood cells to form this extra blood.
Anemia may cause symptoms such as tiredness and weakness, dizziness, pale skin, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and difficulty concentrating.
There are several types of anemia that may appear during pregnancy and is deficiency of iron, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia and anemia due to folic acid deficiency anemia.IRON-DEFICIENCY ANEMIA
It is the most common cause of anaemia in pregnancy and occurs when the body does not have enough iron to produce adequate amounts of hemoglobin and blood can not carry enough oxygen to the body tissues.
When a pregnant woman does not take enough vitamin B12 in your diet, your body cannot produce enough healthy red cells; pregnant women with higher risk are who do not eat meat, dairy and eggs; This situation can lead to birth defects.
During pregnancy, women need extra folic acid, and sometimes do not receive enough of the diet, so that the body cannot produce enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues of the body; When there is deficiency of folate may be birth defects.
To prevent anemia during pregnancy, it is necessary to ensure that you get enough iron, so it is important to take a balanced diet and add more iron-rich foods to the diet.It includes dark green, like the spinach and broccoli leaf vegetable diet; Lean red meats, chicken and fish; enriched cereals: legumes such as lentils, beans and beans; tofu; nuts; seeds and eggs among others.
Eat foods rich in vitamin C to help absorb more iron, such as citrus fruits and their juices, strawberries, kiwis and vegetables like peppers and tomatoes and eat them at the same time as iron-rich foods; You can for example take a fortified cereal and grapefruit for breakfast juice.
Choose foods rich in folic acid, to prevent vitamin deficiency, such as vegetables of green leaf, citrus fruits and their juices, fortified cereals and dried beans.
It will be important that the sanding vegetarian and vegan consult your doctor about if you should or not taking a vitamin B12 supplement.
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