We must stop spending two days between shaving and exposure to the Sun so that the skin can recover and to that tanning is not us damaging.

Whether using wax or waxing, the skin becomes very dry and "wound" after waxing. At the same time, being more sensitive and unprotected his natural (hair), it can be exposed to environmental factors such as the Sun, which produces spots.
Hair removal: how to choose the best method
During the warmer months the women are more "loose clothes" by which, they don't want to spend even an only day with hairs on their legs or armpits. Nor that to speak of the moment to go to the beach, where the swimsuit can reveal several days or weeks without shaving. It is necessary, in addition to become aware of the necessary care for the skin, know what is the best method to remove the hairs. So, will prevent injury, damage and dryness.At the time of waxing, it is good to know that there are different techniques, a few more "invasive" than the others. For example, shaving is the less aggressive with the skin however is the least effective and least durable. In this group we can also include the depilatory creams. Electrical machines, is moderately aggressive because it involves the removal of hairs of a one. While it is true that when it is customary to use it followed it doesn't hurt so much, it is possible to see some skin damage such as spots or small red dots.

Thirdly, more aggressive removal rate is that occurs with wax, which can be cold or hot, in pasta with strips, etc. Caution must be maximum in this case since in addition to removing the hairs, also layers of the dermis dead cells will releasing which will be more prone to stains.
To avoid those Brown marks produced by the Sun post hair removal, it is necessary to moisturize properly every day, not only after removing the hairs. Before going to the beauty salon or hair removal at home, the skin must be prepared with a bath in the shower that is have pores and not required a double effort to remove the hairs.
Remember the saying "prevent rather than cure". You can make a peel a day before with a mane, a cream or home remedy glove or a special sponge, so avoid embodied or frozen hairs and leave your skin much smoother. Dry very well the area that is to be removed with a cotton towel or with a little talcum powder, especially if you do it with wax, because but not be fastened good hair and the job will be more difficult.

He is advisable to also allow a reasonable time of two days before exposure to the Sun (something that is not always true because "stops until the last moment" to shave), always use factor of protection and possible epilating for the afternoon or evening so that the skin can recover overnight.
If you have a cut, wound, irritated or burned area must defer the depilation to be 100% cured. If varicose veins or spider veins, as well as spots or freckles appear more and more often, or are too notable, please do not hesitate to go to the dermatologist to tell you an appropriate treatment.

Care post hair removal
After hair removal with any of the methods mentioned above, it is good to take a cold shower or apply cold compresses (or even ice cubes wrapped in a fabric) to soothe the skin irritation and close the pores. In addition, it is necessary to apply different types of moisturizers, whether homemade or not, containing some of the most moisturizing ingredients that exist.Be sure to have on your bedside table night or vanity in the bathroom a cream with Shea butter, almond oil, aloe vera, tea tree, etc. In the event that you use the first option you should rub it between your hands before putting on the shaved area that warms and enter best through the pores. This will relieve the skin due to its relaxing and soothing properties. Repeat the application once or twice on that day and the following, especially if you often suffer from dry or scaly skin.

Other recommended creams are jojoba and rosehip that are very good for combat scars and heal the skin. Many women choose to apply essential oils to moisturize the area. Any product which you opt must be for sensitive skin, alcohol-free and without fragrances hirritantes. The SOAP may also help to moisturize the skin and prevent redness by the scent of other types of SOAP.
Then cool it and leave it well hydrated, skin "deserves a break." So, nothing of tight clothing or that you have friction, better to enter air so that it can rebuild on its own. At the same time, it is advisable to not give "touch-ups" with the Nipper, Shaver, more wax, etc. As stated before, it is necessary to stand, since otherwise it will hurt or dry out even more.
If you're very fair complexion and after waxing reddish colored markings, will appear if the wax was too hot or was removed with great force, you can use a little lukewarm milk soaked a cotton ball to soften the skin. Prevents the make-up, scrubs, perfume, Sun, heat, deodorants and scented soaps post depilation.
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