We cannot forget that the skin of the neck is as delicate as the skin, by which we must ensure the same care, exfoliate it and moisturize it correctly

The neck is very attractive in a woman's body part and, although many times we forget, if we take care of it, we can keep it thin and slender for a longer time and thus wear it without shyness.
In this article you will learn what are the essential tips to have a young, elegant neck following some simple beauty tips and taking care of it a little each day in a natural way.
The neck should receive a series of care, such as whole body in general, with regular exfoliation and moisturizing daily. However, it requires more specific care, as if it were the cutis. We will have to the same treatments that we make to our faces also apply to our neck.
Exfoliate it every week
The first step to keep the soft and firm neck skin is to exfoliate it regularly. We suggest that you make him a Peel once a week, since most often you could irritate the skin, especially if you have dry or sensitive.
To remove dead skin cells, we will use any of the following natural products, or a combination of all of them:
- Sodium bicarbonate.
- Sugar.
- Sea salt.
Mix these ingredients Exfoliating with a little almond oil or aloe vera gel to massage the area more easily.
We do so gently, loosely, making circles from the chest up to the Chin.
Then, we will clarify with cold water to close the pores and drink plenty of fluids the area.

Clean it in depth
How can I clean the skin of the neck in depth? With a mask of clay , if you have oily or mixed skin skin, we can make together on the face and neck.
We recommend using green or rose clay, and to make the poultice, simply mix the clay powder with water to obtain a paste, which we can spread us without dripping. Mixing we use containers of clay, glass, or wood, but never metal, clay, since it would eliminate the therapeutic properties of the clay.
We will apply the mask, avoiding the eyes and lips, and let dry for 15 minutes.
We will remove us clay with warm water and drink plenty of fluids skin.
Moisturize it every day
How do we moisturize neck? As with the same moisturizing lotion that we use on the face. The neck is as sensitive as skin, and also suffers the time losing firmness and crumpling if not take care of it properly.
We recommend the following highly nutritious products:
- Almond oil.
- Rosehip oil.
- Shea butter.
- Jojoba oil.
- Coconut oil.
- Grape seed oil.
- Evening primrose oil.
- Olive oil.
- Wheat germ oil.
Any of these natural moisturizing products will be very beneficial to hydrate your neck in depth. Only have to use it twice a day: you wake up and lie down.

Massage it regularly
Unfortunately, the neck suffers from the tensions of the day because of the postures, the hours on the computer, bad gestures, etc.
To avoid the consequences of these tensions, we recommend that you use the moisturizing product that you've chosen to gently massage the neck, giving 5 to 10 minutes each day.
- We masajearemos the neck using across the Palm of the hand, rather emphasizing the area below the Chin, where usually appear the double chin, in order to properly activate the circulation and eliminate toxins.
- Well we separate the thumb and forefinger and slide your hand up down, slightly tightening the skin.
Relax you every night
Bruxism or jaw tension also influence much neck tensions, which worsen their appearance with the passage of time.
To remedy this, you must exercise of jaw that will help you to relax all the tension that builds up in this area. Also these exercises that we propose to reduce and eliminate the double chin can be useful.
Don't forget that night also tighten jaw unconsciously, so it will be very important that you spend a few minutes to relax well this part of the body before going to bed. You should get to stay asleep with totally relaxed jaw and mouth slightly ajar, as sleeping babies.

Images courtesy of Chiens completo Run, osmachosant and Torbein Rønning.
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