5 types of emotional vampires

The best thing you can do to make this type of people do not affect your mental health is to stay away from them
5 tipos de vampiros emocionales
"Are there outside, disguised as ordinary people, until their domestic needs become predators. Do not seek your blood, but your emotional energy.
They have the power not only to exasperate, but to hypnotize you and obnubilar you mind with false to entangle you in their spell promises. Emotional vampires you attract so empty you.
Emotional vampires are warm and friendly neighbors in front of you who spread rumors behind your back.
At first, they seem better than ordinary people. They are bright, charming. I fall well, you trust them, you expect more than them than others.
You expect more, but get less and at the end you capture. You invitáis them to allow to come into your life and rarely give you account error until they are gone, leaving you empty, empty briefcases or, perhaps, the broken heart. Even then you ask... will be them or me? They are. Emotional vampires."
 Summary of the work "Emotional vampires" by Albert J. Bernstein. 
Like the rest of connections we develop throughout our lives, emotional ties grow from one way or another depending on how they are fed. Naturally, if we give them eating sadness, envy, complaints or constant anger, what we will do will be to create unhealthy links.
It is widely known by all that there are relationships that may be too harmful for us, generating a drama of enormous dimensions and attacking our emotional balance.
There are people who, intentionally or not, can make us feel depressed, overwhelmed, angry and even annihilated.
The truth is that, without effective strategies of self-defense to keep them at Bay, we are a succulent dish for emotional manipulators, which makes that we finish developing behaviors and unhealthy symptoms (binge eating, isolated, easily change mood, feel constantly fatigued...).
Called them in many ways: Vampires or emotional predators, parasites, toxic people, etc. Whatever it is, even if this classification has no scientific basis, there are people who deplete and make us into a State of emotional collapse that us is difficult to cope with.
"They are not intrinsically bad, but your immaturity allows them to operate without thinking about whether their actions are good or bad." Albert j. Bernstein
Then you define 5 types of people who poisoned our emotions, sucking our energies as a vampire and stalking us as if it were a predator.

1. the passive aggressive person

Are experts in makeup and sweeten the hostility . They express their anger with a smile on the face or with excessive concern, but always with a Temperance that exasperates.
Most of us have used this technique ever, but nonetheless these people abuse it, causing to lose papers before them.
The best strategy of self-defense is to direct its behavior, while fully maintaining our convictions, creating boundaries and asserting them.
We deserve to be treated with love and sincerity, and we must not allow ourselves to speak "as if we were forgiving life".
1er vampiro

2 narcissistic person

Created the center of the universe. They are egocentric, vain and are hungry of admiration and attention. They can show as intelligent and charming, people until they see threatened their status of guru, example to follow or intellectual authority.
They can work as people enthusiastic and creative while your goals coincide. However, when the needs are incompatible, draw its fangs.
Given that their motto is "me first", annoy us or assertive express our needs will not have any effect on them. Since they often lack empathy, or have it well buried, may have difficulties to understand unconditional love outside themselves. They are the first thing, and when they aren't, will create conflict.
So the best self-defense is to enjoy its good qualities, but being realistic when it comes to raising our expectations with respect to them. Meanwhile, be sure that you crush or you do feel inferior, understands that your narcissism is his need.
You can get your cooperation whenever you Apelles to their own interest and show them how will benefit you your application.
2 vampiro

3. the angry person

This vampire is occupied in the trade accuse, attack, humiliate, criticize and create conflict. They are addicted to anger, detain people and penalize it frequently. They can break you into pieces with its fury.
The best strategy of self-defense is to protect your self-esteem to take his wrath not it is ahead. Take your time, creates pauses and breathe. It's keep you balanced their attacks and don't respond until you're not calm.
In this way, get to disarm this person, making him that awareness of the importance to recognize and respond to your opinion on the matter.
These people suffer much with their attacks. Addressing calmly to your requests we will achieve to empathize with them.
3 vampiro

4. the person martyr

The martyrs are the Kings and Queens of drama. We can find them anywhere. They know how to make you feel bad about something. They are constantly pressing the buttons of the insecurity and throwing salt in your wounds.
The best self-defense is working on the idea that we have to be mature and responsible at all times. Everyone makes mistakes. However, when you feel guilty about something, it is best away to another place, reflecting on what hurts us and cry if necessary.
You can also respond to their attacks with a positive statement such as the following: "I understand your point of view., but when you say _ hurt my feelings. Would appreciate you that you siguieses not doing".
4 vampiro

5. the jealous and gossipy person

They are trying people, those that revel talking about others behind them, dragging his reputation and spreading rumors malicious. When you do this, all over the world to its around feels humiliated and belittled.
Best self-defense is not worry about what someone said about us and not take his gossip as something personal. The right attitude is a step-up and ignore them.
On the other hand, if we are in a group and they begin to talk about someone, the best is change the subject and never share any gossip.
However, is appropriate to make it clear that you know what you are doing and that that you don't well. We can go to them and tell them something like "your comments are hurtful. How would you feel if you said that you? Please stop talking about me".
5 vampiro
Identifies the people who cause you emotional pain and generates your self-defense mechanisms that will not charge your psychological well-being.
Take away and away from complicated people improved health.
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