For most men, the ideal woman should be educated, have goals in life, be self-confident and be independent.

(Article originally published in the mind is wonderful)
A few days ago spoke of the factors in which the women are set to meet a man. Now, change the view to speak from the opposite side: do in which are set men?Do you are a woman and you itching curiosity to know what men are set, since you are interested in someone? Or simply you are a man and want to know if you feel identified? So one way or another, through the following lines we will do an extensive review of the different aspects of women in which men are set so that everything is so clear.
The physicist. Is it really important?
Begin by creating more controversy. Sure here all women think: "men are only fixed in the physicist", "Only want women beautiful and slender". Well, you should go by parts. First, if the man just wants to women for sporadic relations and nothing more, because maybe that focus fundamentally on the physicist. However, if the man really wants "something more with women. because it will already begin to look at other aspectsWould mean that the man is not fixed in the outward appearance if he wants a serious relationship? Nothing further from the truth. Moreover, if women don't seem attractive from a first touchdown, it may lose interest quickly. I.e., the physicist is essential in the short term, but not completely essential. Moreover, don't many men like women who go "divas" for life, and just want to draw attention through his physical, since this can be interpreted as that the woman is a "hollow head" and just their appearance as the only weapon to seduce a man.
Parts of the female body in which most men are set, include especially the breasts, legs, buttocks, eyes and smile. It is not only a question of quantity, but a harmony between all these parties.
Independent and self-confident
Made the first touchdown, man will begin to look at other aspects to the physical part. Gone are those times where man was that always had to be the maximum protector, which carried the baton of the relationship, or which had provided that have the initiative. For this reason, each time looking for more confident women themselves, having success professionally speaking, and especially who are independent, both economic and emotional terms. I.e., a man also likes a woman who has a job, goals and objectives in life, and is in final ambitious. In this way it will show that does not depend on anyone and that it will not therefore be no charge for it.Cultured and interesting conversation
Imagine that the man already feels attracted by a woman, and therefore approaches she to engage a. But what's this if then they cannot have a pleasant conversation with them? For this reason, they like a woman that can talk about politics, religion, geofrafia, sports... In short, a wide range of possibilities with which women show what an educated person and has mostly defends its position.Likewise, during the conversation, like a man that women listen, be receptive and that mostly not be shocked before any opinion rise tone. In this way the man means that his opinion is respected and taken into account.
With certain character but loving at the same time
As already explained in the previous section, are increasingly more men looking for independent women. And therefore, he also likes women who have certain character, and do not always blind case to everything the man says. In other words, a person with which to share tastes and opinions, and which does not have any kind of taboo to talk about anything.Does it mean that always have to have character and show hard? Of course that does not. Later, in private, a man loves this woman who has been hardened and sure of herself to others, then turn into a person loving, attentive and part celebrates a little man in the privacy values. In this way, he will feel more loved and appreciated.
In short, these are some aspects so that more "sigh" a man today. Obviously, some of them can be changed according to the tastes of each man, and may even be completely contrary to the of this article.
And you, what other aspects like a woman? We encourage you to leave here all your comments to create a lively and extensive discussion.
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