Many conceive of love as an exchange of affection and wills, a balance between what is given and what is offered. If we who give it everything, we will feel ourselves empty, manipulated and with low self-esteem people to find that daily happiness.

Emotions, are those dimensions that make us human; wonderful sensations that can go from more bursting with happiness to the most devastating sadness. And rarely are more vulnerable than when we fell in love. There where is it most common to suffer from what is known as emotional manipulation by many of our partners.
1. how to know if I am being manipulated emotionally?
Maybe you surprised, but the emotional manipulation is not so easy to identify. How can be? Basically because we are talking about this complex and intense dimension that is love. There are many people who confuse e.g. "domination" with love: "my partner is jealous because I want to"... is no doubt one of the most common phrases, and that more problems are long term. But we assignation a little more on the subject.1 love is not to own
There are many couples who love to do it all in common. Outings, excursions... is something very positive and even necessary, but eye, provided that there is a "control". There are who do not for example see while your partner leave home alone, which have their own friends and even more, which even have their own work and professional life.We have to be careful. Love not shown controlling the other person, nor even less forbidding. In these cases it is very common to hear phrases like: "Are going to get dressed that way?", "for what you're going to come out with that friend yours if I have to my?", "If you do that I'll be showing that I don't want to. I give it all for you and you don't appreciate it".
2. the need to care for our self-esteem
The careful emotional manipulation directly above our self-esteem. In a relationship it is all for the other person, love above all things, and it would do all for this being. All this is something sincere and good, but we must also learn to protect ourselves.If your partner values before their own needs than yours and acts with some selfishness, every day you are going to suffer its effects and you will feel a little worse. Most of us conceive of love as an exchange of affection and wills, there where there is a balance between what is given and what is offered. If we who give it everything, we will feel ourselves empty, manipulated and with low self-esteem people to find that daily happiness.
3. when we gradually lose our identity
Can be that before the couple, you dispusieras this social circle that made you happy, of these hobbies of these vital projects every day putting goals to your horizon. But at times we fell in love with who should not. And it is that love, sometimes is something that we can not control, takes place without further and fall into a carousel of intense emotions. Although there are people who are not mature enough to maintain a healthy relationship, and rather than make us happy and help us to grow as a couple, they are diminishing our identity.Prohibit us certain friends. They prevail before his own interests than yours, disregarding even what we do. We underestimate, tell us that we are clumsy, that we don't do well certain things... we infantilizan and do that we let us be who we were before: happy people swollen dreams.
How to avoid emotional manipulation

To avoid emotional manipulation, our limits, we must be very clear. Where we are able to come into a relationship. And where is that limit? In the moment when we realize that because we are not happy. It is easy to understand, but there are many people that despite knowing that are unhappy, not leave the relationship with your partner. How can this be? Basically for these dimensions:
- Because despite not being happy, still love their partners. The step is always something complicated and painful.
- They are afraid of loneliness, to stay alone.
- They are afraid. Fear of their partners to take in a negative way break the relationship.
You are looking for support. Help your family and friends so they give you these forces that sometimes we are missing. Leave a relationship is never easy and always causes suffering for both sides. But remember: all have a right to be happy. And you you always deserve the best. You deserve every day dawn with a horizon peaceful and full of illusions. And you're sure to find people able to make you happy and appreciate all that vouchers.
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