Grandparents, parents, in-laws, or guys may need our care when they reach a certain age. While some families opt to take their families to specialized care centers or hire someone who may assist them, others decide to keep them at home and given the attention they deserve. This article learn several tips on how to care for the elderly at home.
Key to care for the elderly at home
Thanks to the following advice, older home family care will not be a burden or rather frustrating.Only one not load with all homework
Perhaps the women of the House (daughters, daughters-in-law, nieces) are in charge of caring for the elderly, by issues of filiation, but also by social conceptions. Good is that all those who live in the same House take care of the tasks involved in the care of that person.One may not, especially if the father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle or aunt is sick, you can not lift off bed, you must follow a specific diet , etc. If you are caring for one older person and feel that you are overloaded tasks, ask for help to others. Always with respect and in a good way.

Don't feel guilty
Many sons or nephews opt to let family members in a house specializing in senior citizens and feel much guilt for that reason. In other cases, to meet the expectations of the family does not produce similar feelings. It is good to keep in mind that you are doing the best that they can, that the decision has to do with several factors and has been analyzed, we can not always do everything perfect, etc.To avoid these feelings you can, for example, hire an Assistant who care for the person during the night or the hours when we are not at home. In this way, the old man stays at home and is being cared for by someone who has experience. And if there is money to do so and the decision is to take care of it all, not feel guilt if something does not come out well.
Be organized
This is the key not only to care for elders, but for life in general. In this particular case, it is good to plan with time and be ordained. For example, do no wrong with the medication, always have handy phones for emergencies or medical, notify neighbors and relatives if you need help, do not run out of remedies or diapers, perform the procedure at the clinic or hospital, in advance how the pill-taking schedules properly and even set alarms to not let it pass to the be occupied with something else.Comes to seniors well follow a routine of bath, meals, walks, etc. and caregiver will be easier every day.
Learn about the care of older people
There are various courses or support groups for people who are sick or elderly relatives who stay at home. It can be a perfect place to learn about the most important thing that must be taken into account and even let off steam with people which is in the same situation that one.Feel free to read as much as you can on the subject, consult with those who know, as far as possible, hire someone and learn some of their techniques to apply then the elderly, etc.

It takes awhile for you
All day caring for your parents, in-laws, uncles or grandparents can not spend. This does not mean you're a bad person or someone selfish, but that it is also necessary that you fulfill your needs social, recreational, leisure, etc.Take an hour or two each day to do what you like, as far as possible away from home and not in the company of the old man that you care for. If you don't have anyone more than help you, he hires someone to be a few hours just in the House, and you can do whatever you want.
Sleep well
If you are tired, it is more difficult that you can attend to someone older and, in many cases, ill. Therefore, sleeping enough as requested by your body. Lack of sleep will decrease your ability to concentrate, to solve problems, to be attentive to the needs of the family, to remember important things, etc. It is said that 8 hours per night is ideal, although 7 is also a good amount.If you get a chance, sleeping a NAP. It's rest when the elderly also do so. If you've had children, think of the time when they were babies. It is something similar now. If you can hire a person who will help you, take to sleep when he is in the House.
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