Setbacks surprise us by their ability to make us look at the situation from another perspective. It is worth to fight for what you want, so don't give up

It tends to be difficult to get up after a fall. Body hurts, we hurt and can we find no support points to put us up. However, despite the pain, it is worth to re-emerge.I like the word "resist". Resist that imprisons us, prejudices, the trials of the beaker, to the desire to judge, all that is evil in us and that you just want to express themselves, to the desire to leave, the need to complain, to the necessity of speaking about oneself at the expense of the other fashions, unhealthy ambitions, to the ambient confusion. Resist, and... smile.
If today you're strong is because someday you were weak and before this happened it. Is something which should be proud, because when something is complicated we assume that a lot of learning.
The history of the two frogs, an example of resistance
Once, two frogs that fell into a bowl of cream and felt they were sinking. It was difficult to swim or float long on that thick mass as quicksand.At the beginning, the two patalearon in the cream to arrive at the edge of the container and only managed to splash about in the same place and sinking. Each time was more difficult to come to the surface and breathe. One of them said aloud:
-Can not anymore. It is impossible to get out, and since I'm going to die, I see not why prolong this pain. No sense die exhausted by a sterile effort.
And having said that, I stopped kicking and sank rapidly, being literally swallowed by the thick white liquid. Another frog, tougher or perhaps more stubborn, said:

-It is very difficult to move forward in this thing, but will continue trying to see if I can find the right way. I will not give me for an answer, I will fight to my last breath, all the time that is necessary and that can support.
And continued kicking and splashing always in the same place, without advancing one centimeter. Hours and hours. Suddenly, both kicking and shake, shake and kicking... Cream turned into butter.
The surprised frog jumped and skating, reached the edge of the container; from there was croaking happily home.
What is the lesson we should draw from this story?
We must never surrender. There is always a possibility out afloat even if it may seem far-fetched or not contemplate it. In fact, adverse situations tend to surprise us by their ability to make us look at the situation from different perspectives.Create a motto: persists and insists resists. Despite the headwind and lurches, after the storm ever becomes calm.

You accept life with its pluses and minuses
The aim is never to reach the top of the mountain, but can stand on each section and see what every landscape has to tell us. Suffered precisely because we want to immediately raise when we fall.This is madness. We need to adapt and assimilate the coup.
Isn't it natural to be sad if your partner leaves us, if we lose the work or if a loved one is ill? We accept that it is part of the process and we have to give time to the negative emotions so that they do their work.
Remember that doing this does not resign, but the fact of fight against a situation that you can't change just cause you pain. Resist weaving your value and gradually transforming you.

Don't give up, although cold burn, although the fear of bite...
This is the poem's ultimate resilience. There is always a way to open the door even though we do not have the key. We continue walking while we have lost shoes and they bleed us feet.Don't give up, you're still in time reach and start over, accept your shadows, bury your fears, release ballast, to resume the flight.Don't give up that life is that, onward travel, pursue your dreams, release time, run the rubble and uncover heaven.Don't give up, please, no silks, although cold burn, although fear of bite, but hide the Sun and wind Street. There is still fire in your soul, there is still life in your dreams.Because the life is yours and yours desire, because you wanted it and because you want to, because there is wine and love, is also true. Because there are no wounds that do not heal time.Open the doors, remove the bolts, leave the walls that you protected, live life and accept the challenge. Retrieve laughter, rehearse a song, vigilance and extend hands, spread the wings and try again, celebrate life and return to the skies.(…)Because every day is a new beginning, because this is the time and the best time, because you are not alone, because I love you.Mario Benedetti.
Adversity has the gift to us, encourage us while they hurt us the knees by the fall. Must not forget this: surrender can never be a real option, but you pass through our mind hundreds of times.
Us has spent years sewing wings behind us, so it is not easy that they fall off. We can forget to beat them and fly high, but they will always be willing to start the flight.
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