The exercise, in addition to promoting our physical, decreased stress and generate endorphins, so we also improve our State of mind

The bad news, stress, having a busy day, be surrounded by negative people... There are many factors that can cause us to wear emotional which is reflected in our State of mind.
Have accumulation of negative energies and not know how to handle it can make us feel irritated, annoying or physically tired.
While this is often inevitable, what Yes we can change is the way to deal with the emotional casualties.
Assume all the moments with an attitude positive and always willing to address the problems is one of the best ways to control negative emotions and prevent that they affect our happiness.
Luckily, though difficult, is much we can do to boost mood and put the best face on life.
Listening to music

The therapeutic power of music is awesome. Listen to songs with positive lyrics and cheerful rhythms can help to improve the State of mind in a matter of seconds.
The important thing is that you avoid listening to sad lyrics or melody off since they may have a contrary effect.
Visit this article: improve your state of mind with the aromas and colours
It drives away negative people
Those people who all complain, that they do more than complain or talk about their personal problems at all times, are direct from bad energy transmitters.Although it seems that it is inevitable to not having close to someone as well, the most recommended is to move it away or not paying attention or heed what he says.
The power of the word
On many occasions we have heard say that words have power, and it is more than certain. The things that come out of your mouth can become reality or they can greatly influence your way of assuming the problems.So, best to care for the words and treat that they are positive.
He spends time outdoors

The closure, the use of technological devices or be in bed doing nothing also can become a source of negativity.
For those days sad and low mood, nothing better to come on the air free, spend the day in the field, going to the park or a walk by a place that has green areas.
Practice a relaxation technique
When your spirits are not the best and they begin to generate tensions, one of the best things you can do is to practice a relaxation technique.Sometimes you don't need to spend much time in this and it may be the best alternative for boosting mood to assume the rest of the day.
They are among the activities you can do to relax:
- The yoga.
- Facial and body massages.
- Meditation.
- Go to a spa.
- Relaxation baths.
Goodbye to fast food

Although at first glance appears to have a relationship, the consumption of junk food can be one of the causes of bad mood, depression, anxiety and other negative emotions.
If this type of food is part of your diet, the best thing to do is to find a healthy alternative to improve mood and health.
Enjoy the aroma of citrus fruits
An investigation conducted by the University of Ohio (United States) found that you people were exposed to a stimulating aroma, as the lemon, they had a better state of mind in comparison of those perceived not a nice smell.Enjoy aromatherapy with essential oils citrus Alternatively, inhale the steam of a decoction of this type of fruit.
Do exercise
The benefits that has physical activity both in the body and the mind are amazing. When you do this type of activity engages your whole body and brain chemistry work for your good humor.Through exercise can fight stress, depression, the moments of anxiety and all those negative emotions that can affect your quality of life. To spend 30 minutes a day and you will see how it makes a difference.
Don't forget to read: food and exercises to start your day with energy and good humor
Share with your pet

If you have one or more pets a good way to combat stress and boost your state of mind is by sharing a good time with this.
The interaction of people with animals releases a sense of life, well-being and love which translates into positive energy.
In addition, they are highly recommended for those lonely people, in a State of depression or who are going through a bad time.
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