There is only one love that is forever: self-love

What others you think is your story, not yours. It connects with your perceptions and starts to give value to your own opinions

When I loved me truly I understood that, in any circumstance, I was in the right place, at the right time and at the exact moment and then I could relax.
Today I know that has a name... Self-esteem

When I loved me really, I could perceive that my anguish and my emotional suffering are but a sign that I am going against my own truths.
Today I know that it's... Authenticity

When I loved me really, I left wishing that my life was different and started to accept what happens and which contributes to my growth.
Today that is called... Maturity

When I loved me really, I began to perceive that it is offensive to try to force any situation or person, just to do what I want, even knowing that it is not the time, or the person is not prepared, including myself.
Today I know that the name of that is... Respect

When I loved me true, began to deliver me from everything that wasn't healthy: people, situations and anything I pushed down. Home My reason called that attitude of selfishness.
Today it's called... Self-esteem

When I loved me really, stopped fear-free time and gave up big plans to do, I left future megaprojects. Now do what I find correct, what I like, when I want to and at my own pace.
Today I know that it's... Simplicity and ease

When I loved me truly, gave up wanting to always be right, and so fewer times I failed.
Today I discovered that it's... Humility

When I loved me really, I gave up stayed reliving the past and worrying about the future. Now, I keep in the present, which is where life happens.
Today live a day at a time. And that is called... Fullness

When I loved me really, I realised that my mind can torment me and disappoint me. But, when I put it in the service of my heart, she has a great and valuable ally.
All that is... Know how to live

Charles Chaplin
Did you know that lack of self-esteem feeds your fears? You've stopped to think everything depends on you Ames? Do you realize of self-delusion that you submit when you don't accept yourself? And the lack of authenticity that generates? And what do you think of the emotional dependence submits to that?
See, not love oneself means to assume a huge risk amount, what can make our existence something terrible. I.e. do not know or accept us or respect us causes us to live uncomfortable and not enjoying the life that we have lived.

If you want true love, first learn to love you

No one can tell you. No one can grow for you. Anyone can search for you. No one can do what you have to do. Existence does not support representatives.
Jorge Bucay
No one has the responsibility to complete what we lack. Up to us to find us and act according to what it happens within us. We must enact the same values that we feel as our own and work to listen to us and foster our self-esteem.
Only in this way we can generate healthy relationships through which we achieve to be people who love truth and that are loved no dependencies. In other words, only if we want and appreciate us we can forge a strong union which do not subject and which is not subject.
See also: 36 questions to fall in love and fall in love in an hour

Leave practice 4 habits that destroy your self-esteem

The truth is that, as illustrates the text of Chaplin of the principle, self-esteem is formed by large discoveries. It is not easy to learn to love each other. In fact, we tend to start to do so when something us hurts deeply.
So, is that for years we mistreat our I interior, boycotting us mercilessly practice four habits that reduce the ability to love us:
  • Give credit to what they think or say others. What others you think is your story, not yours. This may be obvious.
Without, however, most of us fall into the error regarding the direction that suggest us others. Try to connect with your perceptions and give value to what you find.

  • Be a victim When we pass by a difficulty we tend to feel sorry for ourselves. This, obviously, makes us resignemos and think that we can do nothing to fix what is happening.
If we stop complaining and start to look for solutions, probably find a chance to do it against what's coming. This will help us feel more autoeficaces and, therefore, satisfied with ourselves.
  • Require you more than the count. When we want to little we tend to see life through ideal models. Let's say that we forget the gray tones and we are supporters of the black and the white. i.e., if we're not the most handsome, the thinnest and most successful, then we are a few failures. However, think so is an unconscious trap that makes that we are always in debt with ourselves.
  • Disqualify you. Bad-mouthing ourselves is another way of self-sabotage. Not you catch you in that kind of message, do not use them to excuse you. Allow you to look at your reflection in a different way and advances.
The important thing is to know who we are and how we got here, for which you only have to look at in four directions: forward to know where we are going, back to remember where we come from, below to not step on anyone and to the sides to know who accompanies us and cares for us.

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