The emotional predator feels inferior but not of that impression, because that tends to be arrogant. It can appear in many situations, from the couple to the Group of friends.

A look, a word or a simple hint is enough to start a process of destruction of the other. Acts that carry out the emotional predators are ordinary life that sometimes seem normal. The victims silent and suffer in silence. Through a process of moral harassment or psychological abuse, an individual can make pieces to another.
Just as in nature, there are animal predators who capture and wipe out other animals to feed, in humans we can also observe a similar phenomenon, known as moral harassment, starring the emotional predators and their victims.
What is the emotional predator?
The emotional predator is distributed among all ages, social status, culture and sex. They are apparently normal, almost never leading subjects. Tend to be stingy, self-centered and narcissistic.Its objective is moral, personal, psychological and sociological dismantling of victims, being able to lead many that they put an end to their lives.
They are individuals who feel deeply lower although not give that impression, since they are arrogant and grandiose. They are masked sacs of remorse and anger. They tend to be strong ideology.
Feel the need to be admired, desired, with excessive craving for success and power. They present a disconnect with their emotions, despising so deeply to their victims.
When they are children, they tend to be typical that throw the stone and hide the hand, those that cause fights but not involved in them. They crave the limelight. In adolescence, they are cold and distant, with little social success, surrounded by one or two friends, those who manipulate. And in adulthood are distinguished by being arrogant, manifesting as possessed of the truth, reason, and justice.
At first glance they seem subjects controlled, sociable and acceptable, but behind this mask is a cluster of intentions and unconscious processes much more complicated and convoluted.

Who are the victims of emotional predators?
The victims are characterized by being honest, kind, generous, optimistic, people with spiritual strength... They are those who have features that the human predator crave and envy, characteristics that has not had. Become a scapegoat responsible for all ills.An emotional predator looking for this kind of people, to absorb them their energy and vitality. I.e. they want to absorb what they envy.
The victims are suspect in the eyes of others, since the process of moral harassment occurs in such way that makes that the victim is seen as guilty, since people imagine or think that this consent or is complicit, consciously or not, the Vandal receives.
We often heard that if a person is a victim, is his weakness or deficiency; but on the other hand, we can observe that they are chosen by something they have more, for something that the offender wants to take over.
They can seem naive and credulous, because not imagine that the other is basically a destroyer and try to find logical explanations. They begin to be justified, trying to be transparent. They understand or forgive because they love or admire, even considered that they have to help because they are the only ones that comprise the other at all. They feel that they have a role to play.
While the emotional predator clings to its own rigidity, the victims try to adapt, trying to understand what you want to consciously or unconsciously his pursuer and leave no wonder never by his own party of guilt.
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