Search only guilty makes us lose energy. It is essential that we give us permission to annoy us and learn to forgive us. To heal our wounds, we go into the world without hiding us

The painful experiences that we develop throughout our lives make up our emotional wounds. Usually, it costs us to deal with problems emotional as separations, betrayals, humiliations, dropouts or injustices.
The truth is that it is likely that many of us still don't have closed those woundsthat keep hurting us and try masking them with the make-up of life.
However, we realized not only we are patching them and the more hope, more will intensify. This is much more complicated when, while we know that something is well within us, still not we have realised that we are wounded.
I am sure that, if you're reading this, you are plenty the desire to meet you and improve yourself every day. That is why, with this article you want a little help so that you know what is the process that you must follow if you want to start the machinery of coping that will allow you to heal your wounds.

So, we then show you 5 stages we need experience to heal our emotional wounds:
1 accept the wound as part of you
Not you tapes you eyes, wound exists. You can recognize it or not, but I assure you that doing so is the only thing that will help you move forward. According to Lisa Bourbeaur, accepting a wound means watch it, watch it carefully and know to have situations that resolve form part of the human experience.It can think that blindfolded him suffering is the best thing you can do, but the truth is that that makes you deny yourself that you're not well, implying that the wound is complicated with the passage of time.
Must accept and understand that we are not better or worse because something hurt. Have you built your armor is a heroic act, an act of self-love that has much merit, but which has already fulfilled its function. You already protected environment that caused you injury, so it is time to let go and move forward.
Accept our wounds is very beneficial as soon as we assume the learning we needed. If you do not, you will generate many problems in the long run, such as depression, anxiety and various insecurities.
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2 accept that you you get damage succumbing to fear or reproach
If we focus our attention on pain and the search for a culprit or a responsible we will be losing energy, which is very necessary to heal our wound. Tries to forgive you and forgive others, as it is the only way that you manage to turn the page and open your heart.You must understand that the will and the decision to overcome our wounds is the first step toward self-understanding and self care. You will not only develop these qualities by and for you, but also for others, which will result in greater emotional well-being.

You can not pretend that others meet your expectations and you get well whenever you stab. It is not just charging someone with that responsibility, that only up to us himself.
In fact, they are this type of behaviors that lead to ring much of our relationships and our life, generating in turn major emotional upset.
3 date permission to be angry with people who fed your wound
The more we damage and deeper are our wounds, more normal and human, this is blame and feel anger towards who we hurt. Give yourself permission to be angry with them and forgive you.If forces you to do so, you will end up repressing that pain and turn it into hatred and resentment, two extremely harmful feelings for our health.
Living by imposing us emotional traps is to punish us and lead us to a life of pain and dissatisfaction. Moreover, again, this will cause that you enmascares your true inside and you're not able to open your heart.
4. after acceptance and forgiveness is the transformation
Absolutely all our experiences teach us something. It is likely that it does cost you accept it, because our ego is a specialist in creating that barrier of protection which hides our problems.The truth is that our ego tends to complicate life; However, they are our thoughts and our behaviors that simplify it for us. Any change requires a great effort, but is necessary to face and deal with that we are not being ourselves, and something must change.

5. Notes the world with and without injury
Give you time to see how you've attached to your wound in all these years. I was there and, even without knowing how, it directed each of your movements. Get rid of your masks, you don't judge, not criticize you and put all of you in trying to heal your wound in depth.It is possible to change the mask in a same day or take it for months or years. The ideal is to be able to say you same "OK, I've placed me this mask and this has been the reason. It's time to take it to my". Then you will know that you are on the right track and that in the rest of the trip, your guide will be the inertia that allows you to feel good without hide.
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6 support you in your social circle
Is likely to think that you can do with everything and that you've already left worst wells. However, there is no reason why you should give up the comfort of a heart that you listen patiently.It is evident that the support that others give to us can be crucial in overcoming multiple obstacles. You do not give hugs and the world They are also part of you and together you can rebuild a new home to live without suffering.
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