Can that on more than one occasion they have told you that's 'do not cry, calm down'. It may also be that stows his rage and sadness, and always hides his sorrows. If so, we have to tell you that this is not good for your health. Emotions need to be released, desahogadas...
Tears and its benefits for our health
Is that many of us have been educated in this idea that it is best not to show emotions, since you manifestaras is nothing more than a sign of weakness. It's prevent people who surround us do not know what they are feeling because they can use it against us, as if showing the emotions we desprotegiéramos.It could also happen that you want to hide those feelings because, you think that they affect you less. You wake you up in the morning and try to lead a normal life, convince you that all is well. But it is not really so.
Every day will be something breaking inside of you. You will feel weaker, with muscle aches, migraine... with a tiredness that a day will prevent you to get up in the morning. Without knowing how, you can fall in a depression. And we must be careful. As a rule, do not hide what you feel. Don't repress your tears. We explain why.
1. the tears: a soothing natural
Crying is a natural and necessary to release tension and emotions.
If we we repress the tears accumulates the level of distress, and this stress, suffering. Thus, the time of rest never comes and suffering extends. A tension that, in the medium term, can have a very detrimental effect on your health.
2 stress reducer
A high level of stress in our body causes cortisol hormone to accumulate in our body. All this leads to an increase in blood pressure, muscle-skeletal pain, head, heart problems... However, the simple cry, Act gets to release a great amount of stress. It's like sweating, eliminate toxins. It is something natural and necessary. No matter if you are looking for a spot where no one sees you, but whenever you feel collapsed, do not hesitate to let. After that calm will help you to see things better.
3 cry eliminates bacteria
Surprised? Surely Yes. It is interesting to know that tears are lysozyme, a fluid that removes bacteria from our body, thus protecting our immune system, protecting us from germs that can cause us colds and other diseases
4. the tears as a cathartic Act
Not there best relief. The doctors tell us that hold back the tears, hiding anger, sadness or bitterness, causes damage to our brains and our heart. Seriously weakens our health to be hiding something that saved hurts, wanting to appear that not nothing happens to us. Is to go against ourselves.
Another fact that must be taken into account is that people have a sort of instinct that makes us react to someone who is crying. It is when comes in empathy, when we feel inclined to give our support because we support poorly the suffering of others nearby. It's like an activation which make us react, thus uniting ties, strengthening relationships.
Surely there is someone who is there to listen to you, to let you cry before her and so release that suffering. Search support yours. All sorrow will be transient and we will achieve out strengthened it. Emergeremos stronger and more capable. But remember, you don't repress your tears, they are your health.
Doctors warn that hide the anguish and accumulate day after day is like swallowing a cigarette smoke. Us quietly sick inside until it emerges in the form of cardiovascular disease, stroke, etc.
It is not worthwhile. Manages your emotions properly knowing prioritize. Think of yourself, nurture yourself, strengthens your self-esteem and do not think that by hiding your emotions every day will go better. Little by little the frustration and the sadness that sticks as the oxide to your heart will disappear. Simply sit back, relax, take a deep breath and cries... If you need it.
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