The best natural remedies to put an end to black spots, warts and age spots

To remove any stains that often appear on the fruit of the old hands, we can apply aloe vera gel, which regenerates the skin and reduces damage from sun exposure
Los mejores remedios naturales para ponerle fin a los puntos negros, verrugas y manchas de la edad
All people are exposed to suffer from the dozens of skin problems that can affect the beauty and self-esteem. Most of these do not represent a disorder or disease that directly affects the body, but they are an annoying problem that most want to undo.
Be an alteration of the skin infection, allergic reactions, exposure to Sun, diseases or another reason, does that person does not feel well with herself and decides to look for ways to improve it.
Luckily, today it is very easy to remove those disadvantages that make the skin look bad aesthetically and that can cause premature aging.
Many of the treatments are commercial and can cost large sums of money without providing the expected results. In contrast, natural remedies are an alternative economic and healthy skin care and say goodbye to all these aesthetic problems that are so unpleasant.

How to fight blackheads with natural remedies?

Blackheads are a very common beauty problem, that occurs when pores become clogged by excess sebum and dead cells and dirt buildup.
To combat this problem and show off your skin clean and fresh, it is worth to note the following natural remedies.


It is considered as the most economical solution to get rid of pesky blackheads.
What do?
  • Clean all dirt and makeup face, warm water and then put the face on steam that releases the boiled water.
  • Cover your head with a towel so steam is distributed across the face.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil of tea tree for best results it is recommended.


Through exfoliation facilitates the Elimination of dead cells and dirt trapped in the skin.
What do?
  • Prepare a mixture of sugar and half a squeezed lemon and, after a paste, apply it all over your face with gentle circular massaging.
  • Apply before bed, because it should not be exposed to the Sun.

How to remove warts with natural remedies?

Warts are the result of the human papillomavirus (HPV) virus that has over 100 types and affecting the body in different ways.
Although there are several commercial and professional techniques to get rid of warts, some natural remedies can also be very effective and more economical.
We recommend read: known differences between moles and warts

Apple Cider vinegar

Because of its high content of acid and antibiotic properties, Apple Cider vinegar is an effective product to remove warts and combat the virus.
What do?
  • Soak a piece of cotton in Apple Cider vinegar, apply it on the wart and cover it with a bandage adhesive Act all night.
  • Apply this remedy every night to obtain results.


For its antibiotic and antiviral, garlic is one of the best remedies for removing warts and combat the virus that causes them.
What do?
  • Crush a clove of garlic to a paste and apply it on the affected area.
  • Cover the remedy with an adhesive bandage and repeat it two times a day until you get result.

How reduce age spots?

With the passage of years and the constant exposure to the Sun and pollution, it is normal that the skin staining and begins to suffer from alterations that make it look more aged than it should.
These natural treatments provide you important nutrients and antioxidants to the skin, which contribute to the Elimination of dead cells and prevention of premature aging.
See also: tones the skin and removes stains with these natural lotions
Manchas manos

Aloe vera

Its properties moisturize the skin and help to regenerate it to reduce the damage caused by exposure to UV rays and other toxic agents in the environment.
What do?
  • Extract the gel of aloe vera and apply it on the spots that you want to delete.
  • Leave on 30 minutes, wash the area with water cold and repeat treatment every day.


This ingredient is known as a powerful anti-aging, able to reduce hyperpigmentation to recover the natural skin tone.
What do?
  • Mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder, two tablespoons of rose water, a teaspoon of Glycerin and lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixture on the stain, allow it to dry and then rinse.
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2 comentarios:

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