Natural remedies for stop aging your skin

As well as improving your diet and apply local treatments, remember to refresh your face with cold water to improve circulation and revitalize it.
Remedios naturales para un cutis envejecido
The skin is the layer of the body that separates us, protects and relates with the outside, and therefore is also the most suffering the effects of the passage of time, weather, pollution, etc.
But in addition, also internal factors as food, emotions and the State of our bodies have an impact on it, so if we want to take care of it will have to do it internally and externally.
Vitamins and minerals are essential to prevent aging skin. If our food is rich in fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains, legumes, etc, probably won't need suplementarnos. But we must take into account skin thrives especially vitamins A, C and E.
As for food, it is essential to avoid the consumption of salt, that dehydrates and desvitaliza our skin.
In terms of minerals, Selenium is a true elixir of beauty and is particularly important at 40, accompanied by vitamin B6. This vitamin should take it as a supplement in the morning, because that night it could alter us dream, or it is also present in whole grains.
Other minerals that will enrich the State of our skin are zinc and CuAgAu trace elements (copper-gold - silver) and Mg (magnesium).
Cutis WildBeauty
Other supplements that you can take are Brewer's yeast, wheat germ and the maca. In the case of maca, a tuber with many beneficial properties (regulator hormone, enhancer of libido, etc.) will have to take into account that it can raise blood pressure.
Also highlight the antioxidant properties of ginseng and ginkgo biloba.
Schüssler salts, similar to homeopathy, without any contraindication or side effect, allow us to properly assimilate the minerals already present in our organism. In this case we shall be very useful:
  • Calcium sulphuricum: helps give flexibility to the tissues and at the same time avoids flaccidity. Ideal for cases of stretch marks, wrinkles, sagging skin, etc.
  • Natrum muriaticum: ideal in case of drying, since regulating the water balance of the organism in general.
  • Silicea, known as salt beauty, ideal for the skin, hair and nails.
In addition to nurture inside our skin it is important to protect it externally with products as natural as possible, such as vegetable oils (wheat germ, Sesame, rosehip, argan) or creams that do not contain paraffin or other toxic products.
Occasionally we can cool it with a jet of cold water, which will revitalize and improve circulation.
We can also use therapies such as reflexology, facial, very relaxing and healthy, or a good facial massage with cupping.

Homemade avocado mask

This mask can be quite effective for dry skin and aged skin. Its preparation is quite simple, and thanks to the oils possessing this fruit, the effects will be noticeable quickly.


  • Half avocado
  • Olive oil


First thing you need to do is place the avocado in a bowl and then you aplastas it with a fork. Finally you add a bit of olive oil, revuelves and you keep stepping until a smooth cream is formed.
Finally only you must distribute this cream on your face and massage gently. For greater effectiveness, let it act for 15 minutes. You remove the cream with a little water and ready.
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