The point Feng Fu, stimulation with ice to improve health

El punto Feng Fu, estimulación con hielo para mejorar la salud
In traditional Chinese medicine the body is regarded as a system of power. Based on this thinking, Chinese medicine has made use of techniques such as acupuncture, acupressure and massage to balance the flow of energy of the person and the function of its organs. From this concept, the Chinese found that the body has different pressure points which, to be stimulated, can improve health both physical and emotional level.
Feng Fu is one of those pressure points which give incredible health benefits. This point is located exactly where the head and neck meet, and its meaning in our language is "Palace of wind". To stimulate the point Feng Fu used a therapy with ice, with which the person can feel younger and more energetic.

What is the Feng Fu stimulation?

Most of us seek to improve our quality of life, prevent premature aging, have more energy and to avoid pain or discomfort of health. To achieve this, it is obviously necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, good diet, exercises, manage stress or not do high risk, among other activities. All this is key to a good quality of life while years; However, stimulation with Feng Fu point ice can become a great support to get all these benefits as time passes. What is this technique?

History of this therapy

As time passes, and every experience we have throughout life, we are experimenting with different types of headaches, ranging from head to feet. The pain may be the result of a physical injury such as cuts, burns or shock, among others. They can also be inside the body pains, for example, or headaches, toothaches or gastric, among others. If these pains are recurring and are not going quickly, affect the daily activities and quality of life.
Often, people take analgesics to reduce pain but, unfortunately, tend not to get to the root of the problem and can have side effects on the body. What few people know is that a technique as simple as ice Feng Fu point stimulation can have better effect than any other pain reliever.
Feng Fu ice therapy is part of the Chinese, alternative medicine derived from acupuncture. Acupuncture is a technique very famous around the world, which consists of inserting and manipulating needles into the body in order to restore the health and well-being of patients. In this case, the point that must be encouraged is that there are just where it joins the neck and the skull, for which an ice cube will simply be used.

Method to stimulate the point Feng Fu

Lie face down and put a cube of ice (approximately 2 x 2 cm) in point Feng Fu, located at the base of the skull, just below the lower edge of the top of the skull, in the upper part of the neck. Stops there for 20 minutes and is held with a scarf or a bandage so it will not slide.
It is important to do so regularly, with breaks of two or three days. The main rule is to do it in fasting, i.e. with an empty stomach, and again before bedtime. Don't be afraid to give the ice since it won't likely to get a cold.
Once you place the ice point Feng Fu, you'll feel the cold just 40 seconds. After this time, you'll start to feel a sense of warmth that will make more pleasant therapy. It is possible that in the early days of application you feel euphoria by the release of endorphins into the bloodstream.

Benefits of stimulating the Feng Fu point


  • It is ideal for improve the quality of sleep.
  • Aid to improve mood and vitality overall.
  • It is good for regular work in the digestive tract.
  • Aid to prevent and treat colds.
  • Combat and relieve various ailments such as headache, toothache or pain in the joints, among others.
  • It might help to treat pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Assistance in cases of neurological diseases with degenerative changes of the spine.
  • It might be good to treat gastrointestinal problems and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Can you help with the disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • For patients with arthritis, hypertension and hypotension.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Alleviate premenstrual syndrome.
  • Help with psycho-emotional disorders, stress, chronic fatigue, depression or insomnia.
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