Something proven and well-known, is that smoking is a habit very harmful for our health and that of those who surround us, so stop using tobacco is something that you must do at all costs before your health is compromised more, for which we propose here 10 natural remedies effective for smoking cessation .
Hypnotherapy is a discipline that seeks to generate specific answers to certain estimulso in the individual and generate specific habits, to overcome a specific problem, such as that of smoking.
On this point, there have been some research, proving that, after a treatment of hypnotherapy to stop smoking, in a weekly session for 2 months, it was enough to notice positive changes in 40% of patients, whereas if the treatment continued for a longer time, positive results could be extended up to 60%.
Within the various types of plants medicinal to treat smoking, ginseng has been characterized for being a good natural remedy to reduce the pleasure provided by the Act of smoking, without which consume a cigarette doesn't make much sense, and facilitates its abandonment. This is possible by inhibiting that ginseng produced on the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for providing a sense of well-being, which tends to be stimulated by nicotine.
As you surely know, the real problem of abandoning tobacco is having to cope with withdrawal and all the discomforts that arouse during the same, especially those relating to the health of the liver at the beginning of a regime to quit. But these symptoms can be overcome by acupuncture, and stimulation inducing this alternative therapy for the welfare of the liver as well as the rest of health.
Chewing gum
Eating chewing gum it is possibly one of the most common tricks in a treatment for smoking cessation, and its effectiveness, although it depends on each patient, is because that merely chewing and have occupied in this mouth and mind, as well as providing a sense of well-being, facilitates the process to quit tobacco. But be careful to choose those chewing gum without sugar, less likely to damage your figure and your teeth.
As for Auriculotherapy, a form of exclusive acupuncture ear, is one of the most commonly used to promote the fight against tobacco, as it is usually to treat anxiety, that tends to be the weak point in all treatment and improve lung health, which is the main affected by the negative effect of cigarettes.
Even though Valerian it is not a plant that is indicated for all patients, the daily intake of infusions prepared with 2 or 3 grams of roots of valerian may result as a good tonic to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as to treat pictures of nervousness that might lead to the Act of smoking as an escape valve. This natural smoking cessation remedy should be consumed preferably before sleeping, and check that it does not affect the intestinal health or produce headaches.
Lobelia is another natural herb used to fight the nicotine withdrawalsyndrome, an effect considered to be very positive. So much so, that I often find this plant as an ingredient of some products to quit smoking; but also it can be consumed it directly in the form of infusions, provided it has the advice of a professional, its inappropriate use could result toxic.
Moreover, the oatmeal is an excellent food to add to the diet of a person who tries to quit, as it is considered that it can impinge on the decrease in the consumption of cigarettes, including those where no treatment is not followed.
Ginger root is a good choice to treat some side effects of an anti-smoking regimen, such as them nausea and anxiety, as well as stimulate the detoxification of the body through the pores.
Cayenne pepper
And especially for those moments in which cravings for a cigarette appear to beat you, you can resort to the cayenne pepper, which also allows you to treat the effects of smoking on lung health thanks to its antioxidant and preventive effect.
All of these remedies to quit smoking have shown varying degrees of effectiveness, but remember that the primary basis of a successful regime to abandon tobacco is willpower and rigour.
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