Because do a Shiatsu massage?
There are two main reasons to get a massage:
1. to relieve a pain or problem.
2. to maintain physical fitness.
A treatment two sessions can solve problems of back pain, circulation, insomnia, stress, joint.
In some cases — depending on the cause - a single massage can solve the problem, in some cases, the treatment should be part of the regular activities.
It is the case of problems such as arthritis and other chronic problems.
Osteoarthritis involves a wear of the cartilage that causes frequent grips of nerve - pain comes from those grips and not cartilage wear - so the massage should pose as a preventive activity.
At first should relax the muscle and allow the clamping is resolved. But once achieved the relief should be strengthening the muscles, so that bone structures are not at the mercy of gravity. A strong back holds the bones and keeps them in place, avoiding the grips.
A discipline of a weekly or bi-weekly massage can prevent headaches, while osteoarthritis is still.
A discipline of swimming produces the same effect. Both massage and swimming strengthen muscles without joint stress.
Swimming free joints of the effect of gravity, muscles are exercised without affecting the bones, the same applies to the massage.
Shiatsu points.
Kidneys are the end recipients of the essence of the body, deep organ and organ key for all the operating power. This point called YONGQUAN which means BUBBLING wells has a direct impact on the "nutrition" of our vital energy.
The energy in our body is constantly stimulated: ascends to the chest (generating feelings of all kinds); toward the head (generating constant thoughts); towards the shoulder (contracturando and stagnate in the cervical region); through the arteries (giving rise to the rise of pressure); All this can stabilize by focusing our mind on the point R1 and massaging that area with the tip of your thumb or with two thumbs
Massaging us this point (R1), we improve the energy of our kidneys; Ideal for patients with hypertension; people who suffer from migraines and dizziness, depression or stress. People with low power in the kidneys will feel a pain massage that area; do not disturbs, just massage the pain dissipate and activates the flow of energy in the meridian of the kidneys
A practice of pure Chikung to alleviate the above-mentioned diseases is attention (mind) in that area, for example when it comes to eat, work or rest.
Anger, jealousy and frustration are detrimental to the liver, increasing its energy, and may cause a distortion in vision, headaches, nightmares while sleeping, hypertension, dizziness, depression
Traditional Chinese medicine tells US that the liver regulates the Qty.ity of the body's total blood.
When we sleep, the blood returns to the liver; When muscle activity is intense, stored in the liver blood flows by nourishing it and body moisturizing it, especially the muscles, tendons, eyes and nails.
A person with a liver with excess energy is prone to nightmares.
In women, when blood from the liver is poor there amenorrhea, and if the blood from the liver is blocked, there will be menstrual pain. Blood diseases affect the liver, and diseases of the liver will affect the quality of the blood.
Note the location of the point in the image, will feel a huequito point. Massage point H3 located on the dorsum of the foot for two minutes in small rotations with your thumb or index, is likely to feel pain if you suffer from any symptoms mentioned .
Excellent for migraines, dizziness, high blood pressure, menstrual disorders, insomnia, depression, deviation of mouth, vertigo, urinary retention; In addition, decongests the liver, strengthens the spleen, diminishes aggressiveness and easy to anger.
The pericardium is the membrane that covers the heart, symbolic animal is the snake. As you can see in the chart your energy channel begins chest going through all of the inner part of the arm until the end of the middle finger. This Meridian governs consciousness and our deepest thoughts and desires. The way we perceive life is related to the flow of energya channel of the pericardium.
(Own snake) cunning, influencing of half-truths, appear a false image, great sex, infidelity and desires of Fame and power are signs of alteration of power in that channel. One of the secrets of the Chikung is to balance the pericardium channel to reach the most intimate part of our being and be protected from the emotional ups and downs. In this world we live in is easy from an early age to unbalance the energy of the heart and pericardium, due to countless stimuli that receive from outside our senses
To promote energy flow through the channel of the pericardium and eliminate the excess energy of the heart, from the chest rub all the way Meridian, dragging energy until the Palm of the hand, where is the point 8 Pe or MC8 called Laogong, which is the gateway where excess energy is released naturally.
The lung Meridian transmits vital energy to the large intestine Meridian in order to function, they act as a couple, despite being far away from this.
When one hurts the throat, head or neck, swells you or paralyzes the face, does not hear well or have teeth pains, often we can alleviate the problem with point IG4 named HEGU poetically meaning Fund of the VALLEY; belongs to the large intestine Meridian q begins at the tip of the index finger, going through the neck to then Ascend by face to the base of the nose.
Today, many people suffer from neck pain massage this point in both hands and will notice as it reduces the pain.
According to a metaphor of the philosophical of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) this point is capable of restoring forces to walk further three distances.
It is one of the most important points of the body for its ability to tonify the Qi (energy) and blood in situations in which the agency suffers a certain deficiency of vital tone, strength and immunity. According to TCM, this point strengthens the "root of later heaven", i.e. the assimilation capacity of the food through the spleen and the stomach, restoring the physical and mental strength in weak people.
Zu San Li is a point that strengthens the immune system and can be used for the prevention of attacks from external pathogenic factors, for example, weather (wind, cold, humidity...) causes of disorders such as colds, joint pain...
This point belongs to the 12 celestial star calls. Perhaps the most important point, corresponds to the energy of the E36 stomach channel, its name is ZUSANLI poetically meaning divine INDIFFERENCE terrestrial.
Very good when we feel surfeit, with stomach pain or we want to raise our defences. Regulates metabolism, still point to work for obese people or low pass. Increases visual acuity, stops diarrhea, strengthens our internal organs and is also used for disorders of the nervous system. Become a massage with the fingers: index, middle and ring for three minutes, twice a day in both legs.
It is a meeting point for all meridians. It receives the energy of all from secondary vessels of the meridians of the hand and foot. It is a fundamental point.
It calms the spirit. It is one of the energy of the body. Open communication with the outside world, especially with the celestial power, yang.
It is one of the best points to sedate and reassuring, it serves to act on the treatment of psychiatric and neurological cases schizophrenic, also for epilepsy, insomnia, amnesia, parkinson, neurasthenia, bronchial asthma, impotence, skin problems, headaches, dizziness, dizziness, brain, vascular disorders, memory loss, disorders of the anal region, diarrhea, fatigue, hair loss , alopecia, sunstroke, heat and hypertension, tonsillitis, tinnitus, rectal proplapso coup...
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