How to lose weight with you green: truths and lies

The you green slim
The you green, favorite teas, has been valued by those seeking to lose weight. But... the green tea slimming?, how to lose weight with you green?. Find some truths and lies about the slimming properties of green tea in this article.
Pinterest Taza de te verde
Slimming green tea benefits, not have been underestimated by many of those who deal with their excess pounds.

However, often comes the controversy of If green tea is the best slimming or if other teas such as red, white, oolong or even black, are more effective for weight loss.

In any case, more or less effective, no one seems to doubt the slimming green tea properties, to such an extent that even intends to an antioxidant green tea weight loss diet.

Although to tell the truth, some of the claims may seem incredible.

For example in this video, which pointed out that you enough drinking green tea 3 times a day, before meals, to increase 4 times daily calorie consumption!

In addition, adds a rather more credible data that disproves the previous one, according to which there would be a study that says that If you take this way green tea for 3 months, Miss 4.6% of your body weight. You... What do you think?

In any case, if you plan to join those addicted to green tea for weight loss, you need to know how to take it. In the video below, you will find 3 different options of consumption:
In tea from its leaves
In milkshakes from powdered green tea
Capsules of green tea.

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Do you think that green tea helps lose weight?
PinterestGráfico de la encuesta: ¿Crees que el té verde sirve para adelgazar?
Yes, I've tried it and it is very effective1173Yes, although I have not tried it271Yes, but not by itself208NO, I've tried it and has not served me77NO, although I have not tried it61Hmmmm, I don't know, I have my doubts197
How do you prefer to consume it?

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