How get pregnant fast?

You can have really wanted to get pregnant or you want your baby to occur at any given time.

Here are four tips that will increase your chances of conceiving, shortly after you start trying to get pregnant.

It is important to note that, you will drastically reduce the risk of certain birth defects, if you start taking folic acid for at least a month before you start trying to conceive.

Look what else you can do to start a pregnancy in the best conditions.
Tip # 1: Check with your doctor and consider genetic testing
You have more chance of having a pregnancy successful if your body is ready to conceive. To find out if you're in shape to breed a baby and learn what changes can help, program a preconception Checkup with a physician or midwife.

You can that you don't get an appointment right away or solve a health problem immediately, but take these measures as soon as possible will help you in the long run to conceive faster.

Depending on your family history and ethnicity, your doctor might you make some genetic evaluations. This is to check if you and your partner are carriers of serious diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell, among others.

This may be the most important step you can take to be sure of having a healthy baby. And everything you require these tests are analysis of saliva and blood, both you and your partner should make them. The majority of health insurance cover the costs of these tests.
Trick # 2: Find out when you ovulate
The biggest secret to get pregnant faster is to know When you ovulate (release an egg from the ovary). Think the egg as a target for shooting and the sperm like arrows. One of the arrows have to hit the target to be able to get pregnant.

As you release an egg once per menstrual cycle, only has a few days each cycle during which you can become pregnant. Know when Ovulating means that you and your partner can identify the center of the target and then aim, instead of throwing a bunch of arrows and expect that the goal is there.

You can find out when ovulating using different methods. Our photo gallery can help you detect ovulation.

If you notice that you have irregular periods over several months, the identification of ovulation can be difficult. Seek advice from your doctor.
Tip # 3: Get to work at the right time
Once you know when the egg from the ovary is released, you can plan to have intercourse during your most fertile days: three days before ovulation until the day of ovulation (start a little earlier does not hurt; some women have become pregnant sex that took six days before they Ovulating).

You have several days to have intercourse in order to conceive since sperm can survive three to six days in your body (the egg survives only a day). This means that if you have sex on Monday, sperm can survive in your fallopian tubes, waiting from which an egg come out, until Thursday or maybe even the Sunday.

If you are not sure when your fertile period will be, here's a rule of thumb: ten relationships with your partner every two days. That means that you will have healthy sperm waiting in your fallopian tubes every day, ready to get into action whenever your egg falls off (if you wish to have more frequent sex, is good. Will not help you conceive faster, but it does not hurt).

Another tip: If you and your partner are waiting to have sex until your time is most fertile, make sure you do not go through a long period of drought. Your partner must ejaculate at least once in the days leading up to your most fertile period. If it does not, there could be an accumulation of sperm died in his semen when it is time to act, and dead spermatozoa may not result in a pregnancy.
Tip # 4: Establish the basis for a super sperm
Sperm are more likely to fertilize an egg when they are healthy, strong and abundant. There are several things that can help your partner to get your best supply of semen:

Reduces alcohol consumption: studies show that drink every day can reduce sperm count and testosterone levels, and increase the number of abnormal sperm.
Say no to tobacco and drugs: both can affect the quantity and quality of sperm.
Eat sufficient quantities of certain key nutrients such as zinc, folic acid, calcium and vitamins C and D, that help create sperm abundant, strong and restless.
Avoid hot tubs, saunas and hot baths: heat kills sperm and testes work best in 94 and 96 degrees Fahrenheit (34.4 to 35.6 degrees Celsius), a couple of degrees below normal body temperature.

Soon your partner, can make these changes better: sperm takes time to develop, so the improvements that he does today will give best sperm samples in three months from now.
How long should I try before seeking help?
If you try to get pregnant naturally, it is likely to happen in the first three months. About 6 of every 10 couples have conceived in the first three months of attempts.

After that, while you continue trying before you seek help from a specialist in fertility, depends in great part of your age.

Fertility decreases with age, so if you have more than 40 years, seek help from an expert immediately. If you have 35 to 40years, talk to a specialist after having tried for six months without luck. And if you're under 35 years of age, is probably well keep trying for one year before seeking help.

Of course, if you have reason to suspect your partner or you have a fertility problem, visit a doctor. There is no reason to wait.

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