When it comes to getting pregnant, the old saying "you are what you eat" seems to be true. "What you eat affects everything, from your blood and your cells until your hormones," says Cynthia Stadd, nutritionist of the Berkeley Center for reproductive well-being and the health of women, of the city of New York.
According to the American pregnancy Association, an organization nonprofit that promotes reproductive health, should allow to elapse of three months to a year so that the food changes produce their effects. But if you're already planning to conceive, don't worry: never too late to start. Read our suggestions on how a diet that puts you in the form below to get pregnant.
Drinking alcohol in moderation
Drink a glass of wine or a bottle of beer from time to time, probably will not affect your chances of conceiving, but if you drink frequently, make sure you are not pregnant because the alcohol may cause damage to the developing fetus. This means that the time be teetotal is between ovulation and menstruation."The best time to get a drink without worrying about is the day that your period comes," says Mark Leondires, specialist in fertility and medical director of the Association for reproductive medicine in Connecticut.
If your menstrual cycle is irregular (which could make you more difficult to know when you are Ovulating) or you are having trouble conceiving, sees it safe and avoid alcohol completely. Although studies approaches in how alcohol affects fertility are not conclusive, some research suggests that there is some relationship between drinking alcohol and having difficulties conceiving.
A group of Danish scientists studied 430 couples trying to have their first child. They found that among the more alcohol consumed the women in that group, had less chance of becoming pregnant.
On the other hand, women who drank less than five alcoholic drinks a week were two times more likely to become pregnant than those who drank ten alcoholic drinks a week (this study did not demonstrate any link between male fertility and the consumption of alcohol, which does not mean that they are exempt).
Controlling caffeine
The results of the studies of the effect of caffeine on fertility are varied. Specialists generally agree that low- to -moderate caffeine intake (less than 300 mg per day or around two cups of coffee 250 ml or 8 ounces), is not an obstacle to a baby.However, you may want removing caffeine completely if they are having difficulty conceiving, or where you're subjecting yourself to in vitro fertilization, says Leondires fertility specialist.
Leondires explains that caffeine narrows blood vessels, making slower circulation of blood to the uterus, which could hinder the egg from becoming implanted in the uterus.
Abruptly eliminate caffeine can cause nasty headaches. Therefore, if you decide to quit caffeine completely, you should do it gradually. It replaces each day a little more your cup of coffee for Decaf Coffee, until you can leave it completely.
Once you have become accustomed to living with little or no caffeine, might find in steamed milk with a little bit of a particular flavor syrup, a good substitute for coffee, and calcium will do you well to your body!
Rethink the consumption of refined carbohydrates
Carbohydrates do not fall within the prohibited, but this does not mean that you can eat them with wild abandon. Many refined, such as white bread, pasta or white rice carbohydrates, not be reduced directly the probability that you are pregnant but will punish your body.17 key nutrients of the grain are lost in the refining process. Among the lost nutrients, there are some that encourage fertility, such as for example antioxidants, B vitamins and iron. A woman who has conceived plans should include in your diet as much as possible of nutrient-rich foods, and whole grains are a good way to start, said the nutritionist, Cynthia Stadd.
Look at this chart to learn more about portions and ingredients suitable for a dish of healthy foods.
If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common cause of infertility in women, pays special attention to whole grains. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that may worsen when the levels of insulin in the bloodstream rise abruptly. The main triggers of the large peaks of insulin are refined carbohydrates.
The specialist in fertility Leondires explains that when women with PCOS eat too many refined carbohydrates, insulin flows into the blood, feeds back on the ovaries and can produce an irregular ovulation.
Eating food green, red and yellow for pregnancy
Fruits and vegetables considered a multivitamin from Mother Nature. Fruits and vegetables are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but they also have an overabundance of micronutrient-degrading free radicals, such as phytochemicals and antioxidants.Free radicals are harmful molecules that enter the body through different substances as the sunlight or car exhaust fumes and can cause damage to eggs, sperm and reproductive organs.
Give your money the best possible nutritional performance with the purchase of fruits and vegetables of intense color, such as cranberries, red pepper and kale. How much more intense is the color, will contain more nutrients. Enjoy weekly your fruit and the container where you store vegetables, and make yourself the purpose of eating around 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables per day.
Be careful with the fish if you want to conceive
If complaints about high levels of mercury you have away from the fish, it is time to reconsider your decision. For optimal fertility you body needs omega-3 fatty acidsand fish is the best source. Even so, the news about mercury in fish can scare moms. Mercury is toxic to a fetus in gestation and can remain in the bloodstream of a woman for more than one year.Fortunately not all fish contains the same amount of mercury. The Agency of USA (FDA) food and drugs indicates that women who have plans to conceive can be consumed safely up to 12 ounces or 340 grams (approximately two entrees) per week of fish low in mercury, such as shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon or catfish.
FDA recommended to avoid canned albacore as the sword, the blanquillo, saw or saw, fillets of tuna, shark, the emperor fish or mackerel or Spanish mackerel, marlin, orange roughy and grouper, whether fresh or frozen, because their mercury levels are higher.
If you are vegetarian or vegan, or you simply don't like to eat fish, try to eat linseed (flaxseed). Flax seeds are the richest in omega-3 fatty acids plant source and are easy to find in natural food stores. Buy the seeds, grind them in a coffee grinder, and spread them on cereal or toast or add to a shake or smoothie.
If you hurry, buy a bottle of flaxseed oil and drizzle 1 tablespoon daily in the salad, popcorn or a baked potato. (Don't cook with flaxseed oil since heat destroys beneficial nutrients).
Consume lot of iron
Increases your body iron stores before you become pregnant, especially if your periods are abundant, says Sam Thatcher, reproductive endocrinologist from the Center for applied reproductive science from Johnson City, Tennessee, and author of fathering a baby: everything you need to know to get pregnant. "Monthly bleeding is a constant source of iron loss," says Thatcher.Make sure you have a good supply of iron now because once you are pregnant your body will have difficulty in maintaining their supplies of iron as your baby extract ore from your body. To make matters worse, if you have very little iron at the beginning of pregnancy you will have risk of developing anemia, postpartum, a condition that can be seen in 27 percent of new moms and which is characterized by a red blood cells below the normal level, which leaves you without powers.
When you don't eat much red meat or follow vegan or a vegetarian diet, take a multivitamin with iron. And to not take risks, ask your doctor to do you in the preconception health check blood tests to rule out the presence of anemia.
Take care of listeria
Listeria is a harmful bacteria occurring in meat that come ready to eat, unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses. Pregnant women are 20 times more likely than other healthy adults to get sick by eating foods with listeria.Those women who have plans to conceive should also be alert that listeriosis (infection that produces listeria) may cause an miscarriage at the beginning of the first quarter, possibly until you know that you are pregnant.
To kill listeria, heated foods of high risk in the microwave until they smoke. To reduce the development of bacteria in the food leftovers, program the temperature of the refrigerator at 40 degrees (4.4 degrees C) or below. Boots food that has been at room temperature for more than two hours.
Some foods that you should avoid full include: raw sushi and ceviche, refrigerated smoked seafood (such as smoked salmon), soft cheese made from unpasteurized milk and other milk unpasteurized.
Don't you be afraid to proteins
Last year, scientists from the Center for reproductive medicine of the United States frightened followers of the Atkins diet to promote the results of its research, which indicated that mice subjected to a diet high in proteins were less fertile than mice following a normal diet.What does this represent for women? Absolutely nothing, says Leondires. "The reproductive cycle of a mouse is so different from the cycle of a human being that extrapolation from one species to another has no validity."
However, the popular diets and fertility do not go hand in hand. "Avoid diets that exclude an entire food group or do too much emphasis on one type of food", says Melinda Johnson, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Como alternativa, intenta comer dos a cuatro porciones de hasta 3 onzas (85 gramos) de proteínas por día, que incluyan pescado, carnes magras, frutos secos y legumbres.
If you want more detailed information about nutrients, including recommendations on proteins, consult the Food Guide Pyramid (in English) of the United States Department of agriculture.
Replaces missing vitamins
Incorporating all the nutrients you need for fertility only through food is a difficult task. To be sure you are taking a prenatal vitamin or a multivitamin regularly.While prenatal vitamins will give you the nutrients you need, they can be more expensive and more difficult to digest for your stomach, since they contain higher levels of nutrients than a multivitamin complex regular. (Some experts suggest taking prenatal vitamins at bedtime to prevent stomach problems).
If you decide to take a multivitamin for sale without a prescription instead of a prenatal vitamin, be sure to follow these important parameters:
Look for a multivitamin with at least 400 micrograms of folic acid. This B vitamin protects babies from birth defects of the neural tube, such as spina bifida. It is especially important to take enough folic acid before you get pregnant, since your baby's neural tube is formed between three to four weeks after conception, when many women do not even have realized that are pregnant.
Choose a multivitamin that also offers a healthy dose of vitamin B12. Preliminary evidence suggests that vitamin B12 deficiency can also contribute in the formation of the neural tube abnormalities.
Since vitamin B12 is found mainly in foodstuffs of animal origin, women who rarely eat meat or follow strict vegan or a vegetarian diet should look for a multivitamin that provided the recommended daily dose of B12 (2.4 micrograms) or directly a B12 supplement.
If you're not sure about what you need to take, ask your doctor to recommend you a supplement that is right for you.
Here ends this article on Diet for fertility: the nutrients you need to conceive. Please continue browsing our site to find more tips to improve your life, and share itwith your friends if you find any useful
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