Exercises known as "cardio" or "aerobic" have as main objective improve the heart and lungs. They must be present in any workout in the gym, lifting weights beyond. In the following article you will know what are the technical home within the routine exercise cardio giving you more benefits.
Why do cardio?
Basically, as stated before, the cardio is used to improve cardiac and pulmonary systems. But also allows you to burn calories and lose weight, reduce the risk of suffering from diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks and high cholesterol, improve the quality of sleep and reduce the stress.Fitness experts suggest that at least three series of 35 minutes should be a week of cardiovascular exercise. But attention, that this type of exercises are not only performed at the gym, but there are options to take advantage of any free time that you have at home or in the office. Therefore, there are no excuses.

The best times to do cardio in the morning, when the metabolism is faster and get 15% more results than if we exercise in the afternoon or evening. The process of these exercises allows you to burn fat, which accumulate during the night, mainly. Always be on the move includes not to spend the whole day from the PC, use the stairs instead of the elevator and leave the car parked and walk to shopping.
Doing cardio will not only increase your heart rate, strengthens your heart and improve lung capacity, they will also enjoy an excellent state of health and general wellbeing. Worth a try and start as soon as possible with the known as "resistive exercise".
Cardio workout routine
This routine can be performed separately, by choosing the exercises that most please you either all together in a slightly longer program. All depends on the time you have and how much you like to exercise. The good news is that you'll not need to go to the gym, you can train at home or in the garden.Jumping rope
Insurance you can have in a drawer a rope to jump (or you can even use your children's). The proper length is vital to make an effort that does not match. This exercise requires coordination in the movements, strength, balance and endurance. There is no doubt that this is an ideal activity for toning, weight loss, abdominal mark and even strengthen the bones. Remember to use footwear suitable and possible that is not padded. About fifteen minutes a day is the recommended.Burpee
It is an exercise which although it has a name that sounds easy, serves to the cardio exercise. It is a demanding exercise, it is true, but can have different variations and requirements, depending on your capabilities. Begins stand, Crouch supporting the palms on the floor, you stretch the body, make a bending of arms, retraes knees to chest height and get up to making a leap. Repeat at least ten times.
You should not buy one of these devices if you do not have money (or space) to save it. If in your House you have stairs, use them. Can make different combinations to raise and lower a two or three steps, for example. You will have to gradually increase the speed. Remember to keep the right torso and the view forward.Jump with your knees into your chest
Don't have too explain this exercise, what if you need to know that it is very good for the cardio exercise. Stand with the legs apart at shoulder height, das leap and rise your knees to touch the chest. Repeat ten times in a row, the top and slowly that can withstand. Rest 1 minute and repeat.
Kickboxing oTae-bo
These two types of exercise are great for the cardio. You don't have to go to a class. You can buy a DVD or watch a video on the Internet with different routines. This variety of routine cardiovascular benefits the functioning of the heart, increase strength and flexibility and if you do it well also allows you to take advantage of some self-defense techniques (where is strictly necessary).HIIT
It's a grind "hated" but the truth is that it has very good results, since it's the fastest way to improve the health of the cardiovascular system and respiratory systems. These exercises should be done regularly and are high intensity, alternating with the low. So the bodies are "forced" to work harder and this will help to burn calories. Once you make the warm up for 5 minutes, running in place, get scissor jumps, squats, jump rope (or simulated), walking fast in the place and raises a knee and then the other as high as possible. Each exercise is performed for one minute. Rest two minutes and get a new number.
Fixed bike
The stationary bike is one of the best exercises for cardiovascular endurance, if we do not have "ordinary" bicycle. It also serves to burn calories and lose weight. The key is to go as soon as possible and alternate between standing and sitting on the seat. You'll work legs forces, improve lung capacity and strengthens the heart. Get 30 minutes a day.Dance
It is one of the most fun activities that exist, that there are no doubts. Does not require a dress, nor a specific equipment, rather than music, and some space. If you're not in a class of any style in particular, takes advantage of some mix of electronica, salsa or Reggaeton and dance (if I embarrassed you make sure no one at home).
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