The grapefruit is usually one of the most ignored citrus in our daily diet; However, if we knew all their benefits, would be without a doubt one of our first choices.
In this article we tell you what some of its health properties. Do you want to know them?
The grapefruit diet
Like all citrus fruits, grapefruit helps weight loss, since it has "negative calories"; in other words, those that contribute to be consumed less of what needed to be digested. Example: a food contains 10 calories, but your digestion will require 20.More acidic, less cholesterol
According to the latest studies, several patients undergoing heart surgery blood tamponade improved their cholesterol levels to include in their diets, grapefruit juice.Goodbye to the flu
As all citrus grapefruit brings a lot of vitamin C, which enhances your defenses and stimulates the immune system. This translates into a greater resistance to viral diseases such as influenza, tonsillitis and other diseases that occur during seasonal changes.In addition, this same vitamin removes the radical free, responsible for the attack on cellular DNA that is associated with many different types of cancer.
Grapefruit prevents kidney stones
Grapefruit extract contains large amount of d-limonene, a natural compound that helps prevent and dissolve kidney stones, because it acts on the ph of the urine, or their acidity, and avoids it settle in the form of estimates, in addition to stimulating the adrenal glands and the bladder. However, it is not recommended to consume grapefruit if there is already a treatment chemical for this problem, since it could affect the effect of drugs.Grapefruit gives energy
Citrus generate certain changes in the body that translates into an increase in the daily energy. Therefore, if you feel no forces, avoid taking synthetic energy drinks and enjoy a good grapefruit juice. You'll see that the effect is great and your body will not suffer the harmful side effects of these commercial preparations.Some aspects to consider
-If your doctor has told you a treatment to cure high blood pressure, cholesterol, or depression, it is best that you do not drink grapefruit juice because it can hinder the assimilation of medicines. Same happens with antibiotics.-Grapefruit is not advisable for people with certain medical conditions such as gastritis or ulcers, because this fruit stimulates the production of digestive juices, not desired effect when you have this kind of diseases. Anyway, if you have questions, don't forget to consult your family doctor.
-In order preserve and take advantage of its high vitamin C content, suggested cutting it and prepare it for a moment before taking it, since entering in contact with the light, water and heat, part of their properties are lost.
As an ingredient of meals
Did you know that grapefruit is an excellent component for salads? Add it in small pieces to these preparations, you'll get an exotic touch that undoubtedly will cause admiration to your guests. With grapefruit salads are ideal as an accompaniment to meat dishes.A curiosity
Several studies have proven that the seeds of grapefruit have interesting medicinal properties. With them is preparing an extract that works as an antibiotic, antimicrobial and antiseptic, as it prevents the development of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. And the best is that its origin is 100% natural and has no side effects.Now that you know more about the grapefruit, don't you think that you it's a really wonderful fruit? Don't take advantage of their many health benefits!
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