You have gluten intolerance is not the same as celiac disease. Intolerant person does not suffer the symptoms at the moment, so not related to their health problems with this cause.

At breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. At all times we eat foods containing flour, such as bread, pastries and pasta, since they allow us to cook something quick and satiating. But this abuse, in addition to not being healthy, promotes an increase in weight.
In this article you will learn why this happens and what ways we can avoid it, which will allow us to lose weight quickly, without suffering and benefiting our health in general.
We eat too many flours
A balanced diet is based on consuming proportionately the necessary quantities of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates include starches, fruits and vegetables and cereals. The problem is that currently abuse of the , specifically of your flours, cereals and eat small amounts of vegetables. Most of the day we eat of bread, pizzas, pasta, biscuits and all kinds of pastries.
Why us meals fattening?
Actually our body needs to eat cereals, since they give us energy for a long period of time, especially if they are comprehensive. The problem is to eat them in excess, or in the evening, since that power already it will not spend and therefore will accumulate in the form of fat deposits.Gluten intolerance
Most of the meals come from cereals with gluten, such as wheat, oats, rye, spelt, etc., even though not everyone has as much. On the other hand, others like rice, corn or buckwheat does not contain gluten.
Today many people are suffering from some degree of intolerance to gluten, which is not the same as the allergy to gluten or celiac disease. A celiac person immediately suffers allergic reaction; on the other hand, who have intolerance does not suffer the symptoms at the time, but that with the passage of time will suffer health problems that don't usually this cause. In this case the food is not digested or is assimilated properly, which can lead to, among other problems, weight imbalances. People who are gluten intolerant, when they eliminate gluten from their diets, quickly notice a great improvement and also to perceive as its weight is easily balanced.
Other symptoms of gluten intolerance:
- Recurrent diarrhea or constipation
- Bad digestions
- Dermatological problems such as Hyperkeratosis pilar
- Menstrual disorders
- Sterility
- Obesity or lack of weight
Ideas to reduce meals
- There are on the market some kitchenware that allow to make spaghetti from vegetables, as for example of the zucchini. With this tool we can turn what would be a plate of vegetables in a false but delicious pasta dish, flavoring it with tomato sauce, cheese and oregano.

- When making biscuits we can surprise us with the possibilities that give us legumes. Did you know that you can prepare a delicious and healthy vegetables and chocolate cake? Simply replace the flour by flour of legumes or vegetables cooked and crushed. The result surprised the entire family.
- Gluten intolerant people may also notice great benefits if they dispense completely with the flour with gluten and they replaced them with other free of gluten as the rice, corn or garbanzo's. With these flours can be cooked like that with each other and make breads, cakes, pizzas, crepes, etc.
- Bread is one of the foods more costs to replace, that is the staple food in many cultures. The first step is to reduce the quantity, and gradually go replacing it with other similar foods with less flour, as for example the pancakes of rice or corn. We can also learn to develop chips based on seeds (chia, flax, sunflower). We grind the seeds, mix them with a little water to make a paste, which we will extend in a baking tray and hornearemos to temperature very low, at about 50 degrees, 30 minutes, until it attains a crunchy texture.
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