Nutritional facts of carrot

Nutritional facts of carrot
Carrot - of which more than 50 varieties that are distinguished basically are known by their length - is a food plant with medicinal properties belonging to the family of the umbelliferae or Apiaceae whose scientific name is Daucus carota, name that refers to its rich in carotenes. It was introduced in Spain - and from here to the rest of Europe - between the 8th and 10th centuries by the Arabs who called it isfannariya - Word from which the English term carrot - but the truth is that the first written her reference is from the doctor, pharmacist and botanist Greek comes Medicinal Dioscorides (1st century) who ensalzaría his virtues in his work matter medica. Since then numerous scientific studies have not only confirmed what they already knew hundreds of millions of people: is an extraordinary source of vitamins and minerals and a fundamental food for health whose consumption is especially recommended to children, elderly, pregnant and anaemic. Price affordable, versatile in cooking and exquisite taste, its therapeutic properties are numerous.


From a nutritional point of view the carrot is one of the most interesting roots and contain abundant organic water - 85% of its weight - is rich in sugars (especially in glucoseand levulose and dextrose), vitamins and minerals and contain more discrete values of proteins, mucilage and pectins. And all this without just fat (only 0.2% of its composition). In terms of vitamins we can say that it contains significant amounts of carotene - especially beta-carotene or provitamin A, the natural pigment which gives it its characteristic color and body transforms into vitamin A as per the requirements – effective antioxidants that help protect the body from the destructive action of free radicals, prevent the onset of degenerative diseases and cancer - especially lung and mouth- prevent the development of cancer cells by the cancerous process do not run a primary State, protect the arteries and help maintain cardiovascular health at the time that guarantees a good condition of skin, vision, teeth and gums, of the digestive system (prevents the formation of ulcers, promotes intestinal motility, Heals wounds, intestinal, etc.) and the immune system. Not to mention that it helps to be young longer. Of course, containing between 10 and 100 times more provitamin A to - for example - the cabbage, spinach, broccoli and squash. Is also a source of vitamins of the Group B (in particular, B1, B2, B3 and (B)9) as well as other known antioxidants such as C and E effects vitamin. With regard to its mineral content emphasizes its fundamental contribution of potassium and its discrete amounts of magnesium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, sulphur, bromine, copper, iodine, zinc and manganese. It is also very rich in iron - whose absorption is favored in turn for its rich in carotene - and hence that it is considered useful to combat anemia, fatigue, anorexia and nervous exhaustion.
And they aren't the only benefits of this incredible vegetable. Still can be designated other than we analyze below.


Wisdom recommends eating carrots to combat the loss of appetite, lack of appetite and anaemia and, as we will see, once more hit. And is that a team of Mexican researchers led by Dr. Nina Safrazian Leonovna - specialist in hematology and oncology - has recently completed a research in the School of medicine of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico that has demonstrated that eating this vegetable not only reduces the cholesterol and triglyceride levels but that can reverse iron deficiency anemia in humans. For the study was analyzed the blood of twenty people, some clinically healthy and some with this type of leukemia whose erythrocytes had damage in the form of deformations and pores in their membranes caused by iron deficiency. "To contact the blood of people who are sick with carrot juice -explains the Dr. Safrazian - check that in just two hours erythrocytes recovered their cellular structure in up to an 80%". It is important to explain that the red blood cells of people with iron deficiency anemia age more rapidly than those of a healthy person and what these researchers have discovered is that the carrot juice would not only accelerate recovery or destruction of damaged blood cells, but it also prevents new to suffer this structural deterioration. "The recovery of red blood cells - says the researcher - is because that at the same time assimilate the nutrients of a carrot absorb cholesterol and plasma triglycerides which explains the decrease in blood when ingested".

Always it has been said that eating carrots improves vision - even the night - and that claim has scientific basis as they are of one nature foods rich in beta carotene, a substance that the body turns into vitamin A or retinol. What is not so well known is that an active form of the vitamin, known as 11-cis-retinal is combined in our body with another organic substance called opsin and thus generates a compound known as rhodopsin essential to the retina of the eye; specifically for swabs or light-sensitive receptors that form retinal structure. In fact when the light rays decompose rhodopsin produced a series of chemical reactions that excite the nerve, giving rise to different stimuli in the brain. In sum, the consumption of carrot is useful for those who suffer from eye - such as photophobia, eye dryness or night blindness problems - but also to prevent cataract formation and the emergence of blepharitis and conjunctivitis as well as any other disease of the retina. It is also recommended in the case of decreased visual acuity.

Protector of the skin.

The combination of carrots nutrients protects epidermis against multiple ailments as well as be a good sunscreen and encourage tanning by enabling the synthesis of melanin which, in turn, acts as a natural filter of UV rays. It also prevents and slows down the skin aging process. It is also known that it contributes to the renewal of the cells of the epidermis, which keeps the skin hydrated and gives it flexibility, which combats the formation of wrinkles, helps in the treatment of acne and that contributes to improving the State of the skin in case of lacerations, eczema, burns - including those produced by the Sun-, wounds, fissures, boils , cracked nipples for breastfeeding, etc. Carrot can be applied in these cases directly on the skin - either in the form of juice or poultice - because doing so reduces inflammation, soothes pain, disinfect and promotes healing.


Its richness in antioxidants makes an effective neutralizer radical carrot free protecting the cell membranes and preventing their genetic material is disturbed. Therefore not only helps to prevent degenerative diseases - including cancer - but to slow down the process of aging of the body.

diuretic and depurative.

Carrot, rich in potassium, is a prized natural diuretic as it favors activity of kidneys and increasing urination and, therefore, the elimination through urine toxic substances. Also helps to dissolve and expel calculations - liver, biliary and renal-, purify the blood, improve the activity of the liver, to fluidize the bile and to clean the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines contributing also to eliminate excess uric acid and urea. Moreover, it helps reduce up to 22% - according to the Mexican research mentioned above - the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.


Carrot stimulates the production of gastric juices and appetite, facilitates digestion by increasing the natural movements of the gut, relieves chronic constipation - especially if it is consumed raw - or diarrhea - in this case should be eaten cooked to enhance its astringent effect - and it is a mild laxative thanks to pectin that contains. Also combat the bloating if she swallowed raw after the meal, helps mitigate stomach acid preventing the formation of ulcers, maintains intestinal flora in good condition, prevents cancer of the colon and many infectious diseases and prevents or reduces the severity of the food poisonings caused by Listeria (an infection which causes the bacterium listeria monocytogenes and which manifests as a flu with fever and diffuse headaches).

Now, diabetics should eat it raw, never cooked.


Besides helping to eliminate toxic substances that could cause cardiovascular complications increased diuresis caused by its consumption lowers blood pressure. On the other hand, the fiber containing decreases intestinal absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides and its wealth in potassium and antioxidant vitamins helps maintain the health of the arteries and blood vessels.


Carrot is considered an immuno-stimulant food because its exceptional content of antioxidants prevents cellular damage causing radicals as well as help prevent infections - especially digestive and respiratory - to be a good antiseptic-free.


It is found that beta-carotene is especially effective in the prevention of cancer of lung and mouth, preventing the development of cancer cells and malignant tumors once were generated.

And if all this was little carrot in addition:

-helps to balance the metabolism.
that alkalizing is by reducing the acidity.
-purifies the blood, increasing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin rate.
-Thanks to match that contains it is an excellent invigorating brain.
-protects the hair, nails, teeth and gums.
It is advisable for people with dry skin and vision problems or who are likely to suffer from infections of the respiratory system.
It is emmenagogue; i.e. It speeds up menstruation in women.
-helps in the secretion of breast milk.
-It prevents colds, bronchial, pharyngeal or nasal in addition to promoting expectoration.
-helps to lose weight by favouring the elimination of excess fluid and waste substances.
-commonly consumed juice help get rid of intestinal worms and keep the intestine free of these parasites.
-your intake is particularly suitable for elderly people, children - at any stage of growth - and pregnant women (to be rich in folates is suitable in them that a deficiency of these vitamins in the first weeks of pregnancy may cause the baby anencephaly or spina bifida).
In sum, an exquisite natural alternative that nourishes and purifies the organism as well as help you to prevent disease and maintain health.

It strengthens and stimulates

It is used to increase appetite and strengthen gums and teeth thanks to its hard crust. It is generally considered extremely pleasant and delicious despite these characteristics.

It heals diseases

Is cake one of the foods most commonly used for patients suffering from anemia, as also all those who suffer from depression and have completely lost your appetite. Its aroma is also very nice, so it is also a food commonly used in aromatherapy.

Good for digestion

On the other hand, is often the case with seasonal changes the constipation are more frequent, and we are prone to stomach cramps which are not pleasant. The carrot is used in treatments with the constipation and stomach pains, in fact doing a better job than any medicinal drop.

Good for women

It has properties, emmenagogue, meaning that aid and significantly streamlines the process of menstruation in women. A highly recommended food for women who present irregularities in your menstrual cycle, or suffer from big headaches is menstrual pre and post.

Therapeutic uses of carrot

After meeting all of these properties, it is very easy to find many therapeutic uses for this vegetable, being some of them medicinal, and other purely aesthetic.

Carrot for the skin

It is commonly used as Activator of tanning, especially thanks to its coposicion of provitamin A, reason why many bronzers and tanning oils currently used as its main ingredient carrot extract.

Carrot for the respiratory system

The combination of this vegetable with ingredients such as honey or lemon juice is the perfect combination to relieve respiratory conditions. Certainly a home remedy of the most effective, which you can use at home when syrups and other remedies do not make us too much effect.

Carrot for anemia

It is one of the vegetables recommended for patients suffering from anemia, and poor nutrition. We can eat carrot cooked, boiled, or even raw it is so we prefer, its flavor is not bad, and its consistency is very benefactor for our gums and teeth.

In this way we can see how one of vegetables everyday and accessible market may be the remedy and solution fair to many of our problems.

It is advisable to eat a certain amount of carrots a week to enjoy a healthy life, although incorporating one a day in our diet would be providing all the vitamins and nutrients needed to enjoy a fantastic skin, enough energy, and a very good digestion.

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