To improve inflammations, we must follow a vegetarian diet. Meat, fish or dairy products tend to worsen the condition.

Many diseases are manifested in the form of inflammation, causing us discomfort and sometimes pain. From the muscle aches or joint to inflammations of the skin of the throat, eyes, gums, ears, liver, kidney, intestine, etc.
Alkaline vegetarian diet
Whenever we suffered an inflammation in the place that is, we are also taking an exceso of acidity in the blood, making it the first remedy we propose the follow a vegetarian diet alkaline at least while lasts the inflammation. All foods containing animal protein, such as meat, fish or dairy products, tend to worsen the inflammation.It must also take into account that many plant foods also acidify the body, since the right thing is to have a balanced pH, eating acidic and alkaline foods. But in this case, since there is an excess of acidity, we propose to consume preferably alkaline foods. What are the most alkaline foods?
- Vegetable juices (Apple, carrot, spinach, celery...)
- Raw spinach
- Broccoli
- Carrot
- Beet
- Lettuce
- Garlic
- Dried figs
- Raisins
- Dates
- Grapes
- Papaya
- Kiwi
- Apple
- Hazelnuts
- Almonds
- Hugo of lemon
- Stevia
- Green tea

Cold and heat
Inflammations sometimes need cold, especially at an early stage, when they are hot, reddened, and sometimes need heat, when we feel that the inflamed area is cold (in general joints need heat). Just that we touch the skin of the inflamed area to find out. In some cases not even that will be necessary, since the person will feel it without having to feel.- If we need to heat will apply an electric mat
- If we need cold , apply an ice pack covered with a fabric
Quark wraps or curd
A curious poultice that we can do to refresh the inflamed area, especially if it is hot, is that of Quark cheese, curd or cheese. We will apply it directly to the skin and cover it with a cloth. Leave it act for at least half an hour.
Hot and cold oils
Vegetable and essential oils may have opposite effects. Some cool and others give heat. What are noted:- Essential oil cooling: Cypress, Mint
- Essential oils that give heat: ginger, cinnamon
- Oil based cold: coconut, almond
- Oils base neutral: Sesame
- Oil base hot: olive
Cabbage compresses
Cabbage is an excellent anti-inflammatory food. To prepare a cabbage compresses use green cabbage. We we'll sheets a few moments on the water boiling. Then we chafaremos them so they take out their juice. We will put them directly on the inflamed area, uppercase it with a cloth and over will albal paper or plastic. 30 minutes or more will leave it.This remedy also serves for the cramps, by placing the sheet over your belly.
Facial inflammations
The face is a deliciada in which we can hardly apply poultices or cataplasms, and even the use of oils can be uncomfortable. Here's some simple remedies for relieve inflammations type dermatitis, conjunctivitis, etc:- Chamomile teabags: infusion bags that remain after taking will keep them in the fridge and will be very useful to apply to inflamed eyes, with your eyes closed.
- Slices of cucumber: fresh cucumber slices are also used to reduce inflammation of the eyes and eyelids. We will apply them between 15 and 60 minutes.
- Aloe vera: aloe desinflama and heals. Best to have the plant and cut a piece, but you can also buy it in gel and even mix it with oils.
- Calendula: excellent for inflammations of the skin. We can get it in cream.

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