Daily consumption of 2 liters of water (3, if it is summer) helps to eliminate toxins and to avoid fluid retention.

The reasons can be various, but the truth is that the swelling of ankles can combat and treat. Edema (medical name for this problem) occurs from poor circulation, fluid retention, poor posture, or pregnancy, among other causes. Learn a little more in the next article.
Why ankles swell?
After a stressful day, it is likely that you feel that your ankles are not the same as in the morning. If you were many hours sitting at the computer at work, you did a long journey or too inmovilizaste legs, it can be one of the reasons. This is because if we do not walk or run, the zone valves and the muscles contract and not relax, so it cannot do your "track" to the heart, because this movement is much slower.
Other risk factors related to the swelling of the ankles are:
- smoking
- cholesterol
- envelope weight that it falls on the ankles
- drop
- diabetes
- hypertension
- kidney problems
- pregnancy
- the use of contraceptives
- some medicines
- a poor functioning of the organs such as the bowel or kidney
- a diet with a lot of fat and healthy
- weak veins that do not allow proper blood flow
- an obstruction in the lymph nodes
- malnutrition
- depression and other emotional causes

How to avoid that they inflate you ankles?
- Move the legs every hour: if your work requires you to spend all day sitting at a desk, get up every hour or two and takes a tour around the office, so will reactivate blood flow to your legs. If you usually travel a lot and be uncomfortable sitting, do the same thing, go to the bathroom, stopping a little, stretch the legs. Short daily walks is really very good, because it avoids forming blood clots.
- Lose weight: if you have some extra pounds is not that problem, now if they are harmful to your health, it is time that you start dieting. Remember that obesity alters the functioning of the heart and the organs. In addition, you can stress legs and cause swelling in the ankles. Lose weight the lower parts of the body are desinflaman and do not retain fluid.

- Consume small amounts of salt: lots of sodium in the diet causes problems in the tissues of the ankles and feet. Decreases intake and thus will not retain liquids. This also includes stop consuming canned or processed, products that often have a lot of salt. It prefers sea salt or low-sodium.
- Change the medication: some medications can cause swelling in the ankles, legs, and feet as one of its side effects. Ask your doctor if this may be the cause and if so, to change them by others who do not have such an effect. In the case of consuming over-the-counter remedies, look at the leaflet on the adverse effects.
- Exercise: this will improve circulation and blood flow properly throughout your body and successfully reaching the heart. You can choose to ride a bike, walk or jog every day or at least three times a week. With 20 minutes per session, it will be enough to start.
- Raise the feet at night: when you return from work and you are watching television, placing legs up with the help of one or more cushions. If you dare you can rest your feet on the wall or a piece of furniture and thus stay some minutes. This will allow the blood "lower" and does not accumulate in the ankles. You will surely feel like a "tickle". If it hurts, lower feet and try again in a few minutes.

- Drinking excessive amounts of water per day: this way, prevent fluid retention. In winter, they are 2 litres and in summer, some doctors advise 3. Question to the specialists so that they inform you the amount that you have permitted according to your age.
- Use comfortable shoes: should not be too tight or, if possible, if they have laces, not the very strong ates. If you have the option of being barefoot awhile (even during lunch hour), take advantage of it.
- Do cold water baths: placed in a container a good amount of cold tap water. It dips there feet and the water comes up to the ankles. Leave a few minutes and you will see that the sensation of swelling diminishes.
- Wear orthopedic stockings: in cases of chronic inflammation, doctors prescribe this treatment that involves a kind of boot that adjusts and exerts pressure on feet, ankles and calves. The blood vessels are dilated and the return of blood to the heart is suitable.
- Drinking diuretics: infusions with diuretic herbs allow you to eliminate toxins through the urine. Some of the most used are the ponytail, the blue suit or grapes. A cleansing diet is also a good choice.
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