To prevent leg problems, it is important to perform cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week. Birch oil has amazing anti-cellulite properties and draining.

The legs are one of the most attractive parts of the woman, but also require that we take care of them properly and try naturally the most common problems, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because they have to do with our health: cellulite, stretch marks, sagging, overweight, varicose veins, etc.
In this article, we share the best natural remedies to combat these problems and look beautiful, firm and tonic legs.
General tips
First, we indicate a few general tips that will help us prevent all problems of legs in general and also to improve our health.Most importantly, start by feeding:
- We will avoid harmful fats in our diet: trans fats, fried, pastry, food waste, cold cuts, dairy high fat content, etc.
- We will limit the consumption of white sugar and refined salt
- We not abusing refined flours
- Avoid alcohol consumption

Weekly exercise
It is important to exercise daily, but if it is impossible, we will find the way to do it at least three times a week. Most beneficial for our legs is:
- Walk
- Run
- Up and down stairs
- Swimming
- Yoga
- Tai chi
- Cycling

Cellulite It is one of the most common problems, and usually appears on the thighs, legs, above the knees and buttocks. Over time it can worsen if we do not treat it, so it is good to take measures as soon as possible.In addition to following the advice of diet and exercise, also apply topically some cellulite on our legs product, to be possible natural. We can use, for example, the birch, with incredible properties anti-cellulite and draining oil.
We will make every day a five minute massage to apply oil, always doing so in the sense ascentente, combining massage in circles and straight.
Stretch marks
Stretch marks appear when we suffer a change of sudden weight and our skin do not have sufficient elasticity. We can prevent them if we are experiencing a change in weight (e.g. a diet or during pregnancy) and even eliminate them when still are recent.To do this we will have to nourish our skin in depth, and will massaging it with one of these four natural products:
- Almond oil
- Shea butter
- Argan oil
- Rosehip Oil
Varicose veins
Varicose veins are symptoms of poor circulation in the legs, which can follow any of the following tips to prevent and treat them:- Apply Rosemary vinegar to freshen, relieve and improve circulation
- Place each day the legs in an upright position for at least 15 minutes. So we bust on the ground, in bed or on a couch and we will put the legs in high, possibly with the buttocks touching the wall and completely vertical legs, creating a right angle with the body.
- We will take daily infusions of centella asiatica, ginkgo biloba or vine
Sagging It can be the result of age and the lack of exercise and toning. And to prevent the key will be, mainly, not only cardiovascular exercise, but also toning.In addition, there is another way to give strength to our legs, and so we only need water, to benefit from the positive effects of hydrotherapy:
- We will always end up with cold water showers
- Walk, if possible, by the banks of rivers or the beach
- We will prepare two containers; one with very cold water and the other with hot water. Insert the legs into the bowl of hot water and then in cold water, and we will be alternating. We will always end with hot water.

Overweight, affecting different parts of the body, must be combated above all from within, with food, and from the outside, with exercise, since there are no miracle cures to remove excess fat.In addition, there are some foods that help you lose weight more quickly:
- Coconut oil
- Spirulina
- Lemon
- Fucus
- Tea
- Ginger
- Celery
- Pineapple
- Watermelon
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