Although they can help us to burn calories, household chores may not be the only exercise we undertake, are not intense enough

Housewives or those who work outside but take advantage of the weekend to clean, have no excuse, since a report reveals that these tasks do not count as a sport. If you were wondering do housework counts as physical activity? Do not hesitate to read this article, to knock down myths and learn at the same time, in this regard.
Chores are not sport
It can be that one has come to someone at a time make a competition with brooms or sponges, however, that does not give the nickname of athlete. This is because housekeeping can not be considered a physical activity. Simply, the reason is that physical activity is to do something intentionally (therefore neither vale go to the Mall and count it as walking).Physical activity requires some energy expenditure and must be produced for all muscles of the body. Now, is not a great move having to remove stains from windows or resfregar plates? Well, apparently not. Or at least that's what indicated in a study done by the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland.
It is true that in some cases, people don't have time to do sports and therefore opt for actions more homemade, such as climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator or shopping by bike instead of drive. For household chores, although they can help us to burn calories, they cannot be the only exercise or activity we undertake each day or week.
Is not the same go to the gym daily half-hour that sweep the House 30 minutes. It is that we should strive more to make chores really a benefit to our body.
Do household chores you will not thin / or need to do other activities to compensate for. And this also includes gardening and arrangements in general House (plumbing, electricity, etc.). Then, the tasks are not sufficiently intense or global action to be considered as a exercise.

Home routine to burn calories
More than indicated above, the tasks of the home can help you to meet part of the needs of exercise and movement that your body requires to be more healthy. So, that is not an excuse for not wanting to do household chores. You can burn up to 500 calories in a day thorough cleansing, as for example, after a move or a replacement.
It will serve to help the muscles of the legs, arms, back and ABS to be stronger (always combined with the gym or sport). Some tips to get moving with the tasks of the home:
Pick up objects from the floor squat
Always keep your back straight, doing squats to bend knees to reach the ground. If you want to get more exercise, hold the position for 15 seconds. This is ideal for the children where they leave all pulled toys or room to raise the animals in the garden.Tightening the stomach while sweeping
When you're with the broom sweeping your House, you can toning the abdominal muscles by tightening the muscles of the stomach and always keeping the back straight. Bristles should be as far as possible and then bring them to you. It sweeps away for five minutes and repeats three times a day.He dances when you cook
To prepare lunch or dinner, especially if you don't like to Cook, you can take advantage of to enjoy some music. Cook takes you at least half an hour, where you must be in the same position of foot or as much searching for ingredients in the fridge or the windows. Then, what could be better than putting the songs that you like and start to dance? Moves throughout the body while bates, short (be careful with the knife), you amasas, etc. You can burn up to 400 calories if you have to cook dinner for your family and guests.It increases the pace of your chores
Whatever the chore that you are doing, that is more dynamic movement. From washing dishes to clean the windows, wiping with a cloth on furniture or washing the bathroom. Also can take advantage of to get moved and joyful music to move to the rhythm that you're listening to.
Wash windows inside and out
Your shoulders will thank you. As this task is not every day, but each week or fortnight (perhaps more), you will need to have the power to remove dirt on the glass. If you keep the activity for half an hour, without arms and with circular motions, you can burn up to 150 calories. The same applies to the mirrors.Take charge of the garden
It is not only a beautiful activity because you will be in contact with nature and the outdoors, but it also serves to make some exercise. For rake do the same thing to sweep to collect in the garden, squat, watering plants, leading a larger container and always goes down the body straight.
I scrub the floor by hand
Taking a good brush or sponge, a container with water and detergent, and gloves on your hands, removes until the smallest stain your floor. If you decide to do it standing, meets the same requirement as for sweep or rake (also vacuuming on carpets).Wash the car by hand
In addition to saving money, you'll do a bit of exercise and to avoid the summer heat. Movements have to be long to the ceiling (will serve to stretch the back and arms) and do squats to clean the tires and low parts.Washing clothes by hand
It is true that the washing machine takes care of it with a very good quality, however, not all clothes can be placed in this appliance. For example, the clothes of silk or cotton, which uses the baby or the delicate. In those cases you can hand wash. Or if you want to push yourself more, rubs which have many spots with a brush. A similar movement is required to wash the dishes or pans with too much fat.
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