Envy and jealousy cause bitterness and a negative air, both for the person who feel them as to who is the object of that envy. They are destructive feelings, in both directions.

"Jealousy", that is the name given the concern and despair he feels a person when it is suspected that your partner you can be to be unfaithful. Jealousy is a very complex feeling that someone may feel when you feel that you are removing something or someone who is hisproperty'. In the same way you can feel jealousy or envy the success or properties that have other people and would like for us.
Normal jealousy
Are those that a person feels for worry or fear of losing a loved one, usually this kind of jealousy are based on concrete facts, but which are resolved easily through dialogue, without having to exercise who have unfortunate consequences and actions that harm others.Pathological or unhealthy jealousy
This kind of jealousy are usually people who have some kind of emotional imbalance feel who are also very insecure and believe that they are not worth enough to make someone love them with sincerity. These people often feel with complex and hostile. This type of jealousy are very destructive and usually always end up in tragedies.Differences between the two types of jealousy

These people live obsessed looking for clues that may lead them to discover to be loved with another person, looking for pockets, mobile and may hire private detectives to confirm them their suspicions. People who have pathological or unhealthy jealousy tend to be very selfish and unfriendly.
The majority of people who have this kind of jealousy and who want to get out of this terrible problem should be subjected to specialized treatment, because this is a disease and should be treated as such.
Envy: another type of pathological jealousy?
Envy often can be confused with jealousy, but they are actually very different feelings. For this reason is very important to learn to recognize these differences, to achieve correct these behaviors that are quite harmful to mental and emotional health.The difference is, especially, that envy feels about something or someone that you wish and jealousy feel when it is afraid of losing someone or something that is already. In regards to the work environment, it is very common that pathological jealousy mixed with envy, feel which is quite damaging, perhaps even more than their own jealousy toward the couple.
Envy and jealousy are feelings that only cause bitterness and a negative air, both for the person who feels it as to who is the object of that envy.
"Envious people" have certain characteristics which we will describe below:
- -Changes occur in the way of treating us if we have success.
- -Always try to destroy our reputation.
- -Looking for defects and criticize us for everything.
- -When you make a comment based on irony and are very sarcastic.
- -Are they indifferent when we have some achievements.
Consequences for the health of jealousy or envy
When we refer to the jealousy and envy, we're talking about feelings and emotions, therefore are in the depths of the people who suffer them, and they will never have peace and much less happiness.This kind of feelings are totally destructive, both to those who suffer it for everyone who receives it. Inclusive may occur equally in men as in women, existing cases so aberrant that the envious can physically to assault the envied without a just reason.
How can I prevent pathological jealousy and envy?

As pathological jealousy is a disease, you must go to the specialist, and if the person is sick, will be much easier to be put in treatment as soon as possible, since this condition can lead to many mistakes that, in the majority of cases, can be irreparable.
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