By taking dance lessons you challenge your mind and adrenocortical brain connectivity. Unlike other forms of exercise, in the dance there is no age barrier.

Dancing is a great way to people of all ages to stay in shape. In addition to being fun, the dance has many positive health benefits. Then read more about the benefits of dance for health.
Benefits of dance for overall health

It helps your heart
Dance is a great activity for those with risk of cardiovascular disease . An Italian study showed that people with heart failure who practiced the dance as exercise, improved their heart health, as well as breathing, and the quality of life significantly in comparison with those that rode bike or walked on a treadmill to exercise.Weight loss
Weight loss is another benefit of the dance if you practice it often. A study by the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that aerobic dance training exercise program is so useful for weight loss and the increase in aerobic power as cycling and jogging.It increases energy
Do you feel out of energy during the day? Dancing could help you to recover it. Research published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, found that a weekly dance program might improve physical performance and increase energy levels in adults.Improves flexibility, strength and endurance
Dance sometimes requires a lot of flexibility. Most of the dance classes begin with a warm-up that includes several flexible stretch exercises. When you dance, you should strive to reach the range of motion of all muscle groups.Dancing increases strength, forcing the muscles to resist against the body's own weight. Many styles of dance, including jazz and ballet, require jumping in the air and jump requires a tremendous strength of the major muscles of the legs.
Dance is a physical exercise, so it increases the resistance. Resistance is the ability of the muscles to work hard for periods each time any longer without fatigue. Dancing regularly, is ideal to improve resistance, particularly vigorous dance.
Benefits of dance for emotional health

It makes you feel happy
Dancing is something that virtually everyone enjoys doing. If you look at a person while he is dancing, this surely has a big smile on her face. Smile and laugh while you dance is quite natural! This is because it allows you to really enjoy. There is no barrier of age in dancing as opposed to other forms of exercise. A person of any age can dance and enjoy the benefits of dance for health.It eliminates stress and depression
Has been shown that one of the benefits of dancing is that it helps prevent mild depression and improves the confidence of the person who dances. Depression is becoming a growing problem among adolescents and adults of all ages.A study in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that therapy of dance movement apart from improving depression, also makes it with the psychological stress by regulating the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body. Because the dance is a social activity, helps with feelings of isolation with people suffering from depression, and sometimes older persons living alone.
It improves your confidence and self esteem
The dance also helps to improve confidence. Once you have mastered a new dance step, you experience an increase in confidence, in addition to a high mood. This increase in the trust is transferred to all aspects of your life.The dance is a social activity. Studies have shown that strong social ties and socialization with friends contribute to high self-esteem and a positive attitude. Dance provides many opportunities to meet other people. Join dance classes can increase your self-esteem and develop social skills. Due to the fact that physical activity reduces stress and tension, dancing gives you a general sense of well-being.
Benefits of dancing for mental health

It improves memory
According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the dance can increase your memory and prevent the onset of dementia as you age. Science reveals that aerobic exercise can reverse the loss of volume in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory. The hippocampus shrinks naturally during adulthood, which often leads to memory problems and sometimes dementia.Fight Alzheimer's disease
A study with participants for the elderly published in the New England Journal of medicine, found that frequent dancing helps to avoid the effects of the Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, as well as to increase mental acuity for people of all ages. It has also been shown that some people with Alzheimer's disease are able to recall forgotten memories when they dance the music they used to know.It increases your intelligence
For centuries, dance manuals, and other writings have been lauded the benefits of dance for health, usually as physical exercise. Now, thanks to studies, is proven to increase your intelligence. The essence of intelligence is to make decisions. The best advice, when it comes to improving your mental acuity, is to get involved in activities that require decision making quick (in seconds), so to simply increase your intelligence rather than memorization, you can work in your physical style dancing.One way of doing it is to learn something new. Not only dancing, new anything. To take dance classes could challenge your mind and stimulate the brain connectivity generating the need for new lines. Hard classes are the best, since you invite have a greater need for new neural connections, thus increasing your neural connectivity.
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