In ancient Greece the Rosemary was used to improve memory. The students were placed a wreath of Rosemary before their exams.

Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by an deterioration of cognitive and behavioral disorders. People who suffer, usually of more than 65 years, tend to have a loss of immediate memory and other mental abilities.
Vital nutrients
Food is our best medicine. To prevent cell degeneration and increase our vitality we choose food nutritious, rich in minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids:- Sprouts (alfalfa, lentils, broccoli...)
- Dried fruits
- Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame...)
- Avocado
- Wheat germ
- Flax oil
Coenzyme Q10
This Coenzyme is essential for transformation and contribution of energy to every living cell and increases longevity by slowing the aging process. This is due to its antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.There are foods that help us to produce it naturally, like nuts, sprouts or spinach.
We can also opt to take it as a supplement for a period of at least 3 months.

Indian ginseng
Indian ginseng ashwagandha (Whitana somnifera) is a plant with multiple properties, and among them is that of preventing Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.We can get it in the form of dry powder of plant, root for your decoction or dry extract.
We will have a cure for fifteen days that we can repeat every three months.
Ginkgo Biloba
One of the best natural remedies to improve cerebral oxygenation, as well as of the extremities, ginkbo biloba, a plant that improves circulation of the brain and therefore force the mental capacity. We can start it to take when we noticed a lack of memory, concentration, etc.We can take it, for example, in summary form, but it should be made breaks every so often so the body does not get used and continue making profits.
The pennywort or gotu kola is a plant traditionally used by the India medicine to improve the general circulation, in a manner similar to ginkgo biloba. A good option would be to alternate these two herbs to seasons.Romero

Sometimes we tend to underestimate some plants we have available, and that have instead been used easily by our ancestors for many diseases. One of them is Rosemary. Although we will have to monitor or check with a doctor if we suffer hypertension, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has antioxidant properties, very useful to avoid the damage that free radicals do on neurotransmitters and acts as a natural protector of the brain.
Already in ancient Greece was used to improve the memory and even students is placed a wreath of Rosemary on the forehead before their exams
Essential oils are an excellent therapeutic remedy to complete a good natural treatment. In this case ercomendamos some scents that can be applied in a handkerchief which leave every night next to the pillow, an aroma diffuser either that will add to the washer fabric softener. There are people who even use them as perfumes, enhancing its therapeutic virtues.Rosemary and thyme oils help to improve blood circulation, improve memory and rise the mood, and the sandalwood is ideal to improve concentration.
Beware of heavy metals
A good way to prevent Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases is to take into account that one of the causes may be the accumulation of heavy metals in the brain, according to some studies have shown. How to avoid heavy metals from entering our body?- We should preferably choose organic foods free of toxic substances.
- Blue large fish such as salmon, tuna or swordfish contain important dose of mercury.
- Some vaccines contain heavy metals.
- Avoid contact with light bulbs that can break with old thermometers, mercury, etc.
- We must not put aluminum foil in contact with food.
- Avoid cooking with aluminumutensils. We can use the ceramic, cast iron, glass, or stainless steel.
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