So they sit not monitored and are safe at all times, we can put some type of sound device or chime at the doors of the rooms to know where to go

When give us the diagnosis that a close relative suffers from Alzheimer's disease, our lives change. It is then when starting a new process in which, it is vital to keep the family together.
Not only the welfare of the sick must be prioritized, which is fundamental, but also our emotional strength and learn to focus on the daily life of otherwise to ensure a good quality of life, both for the dependent as for caregivers.
We must also take into account that today the longevity is higher, which, it is common that elders aged between 70 and 80 years are more likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
However, despite being aware that we are before one of the saddest diseases that humans can suffer, there where forgotten blurs large lives and unique experiences, patients with dementia often react very well to the emotions.
This unique and universal language that we should never stop practicing with them while we do not recognize.
We invite you to meet a series of guidelines that leave you very well to cater to your family member with Alzheimer's.
1. the importance of routines

When an elder with dementia we offer a safe, controlled and family where you follow a regular, routine the person will feel calmer.
Any unexpected changes will cause unnecessary stress and a concern that can reach emotionally unbalanced them, hence that is worthwhile to keep in mind these tips:
- The person you see wrapped things that are known to you and which have been part of his life: photographs, personal belongings, books, flowers, your pets...
- Seeks to be Visual stimuli that remind them every day where they are and on what day they are (calendars with photos of the city where they live...).
- Establish fixed schedules for meals. Keep in mind that despite having had breakfast, for example, it is likely that they forget and be asked what you again.
- What can we do? Attempts that have a clock big enough at his side where we can mark the times of meals for you see it at a glance.
- Well, now is saying that these tips, no doubt, they will depend on the State in which our family is and the degree of dependence that present.
Do you want to know more? Reads: Avoid routines is essential for good mental health
2. freedom of movement but "controlled"
It is necessary that the person with Alzheimer's not feel depressed or controlled, should offer confidence that they feel emotionally comfortable and safe. However, we will be vigilant so that they will not suffer any incident, hence we should take some steps:- Doors put chimes so you can have an auditory orientation where will at every moment: to the bathroom, to the terrace, to his room, at the entrance of the House...
3. daily stimulation

If you cannot bring your family to a day centre where you can receive stimulation programmes, it will be always suitable to spend half an hour or two a day to make small exercises with them:
- People with Alzheimer's disease react very well to music, hence that is convenient to put your favorite songs, or encourage them with melodies that immediately, will make that they react to the world that surrounds them.
- Get to read the newspaper, that remember the day and the year in which they are, which tell you who is the President, in which station are or which, through photographs, tell you who is who.
- Offer manual tasks, as work to weaving, to build, make puzzles and can even serve as adequate stimulation programs that exist in the network to "stabilize" their cognitive attention or memory processes.
- Depending on your degree of mobility, it is always important to stay physically active.
- Within their peculiarities attempts to walk an average of 10 to 15 minutes each day by controlled spaces where there are no risks, get that they move the legs, hands...
4. regular medical checkups.
It is vital that you establish with your doctor checks to see not only how the disease progresses, but to control aspects as basic as urine infections, or even simple dehydration, so common in the elderly in summer times.We must bear in mind that realities as common as these tend to cause very serious problems in the dependent person.
Remember that it is important to also control that the old man was promptly takes medication. Supervise him in person, since sometimes it can occur that the patient pull the medication and are not realizing.
5. the power of emotions

An elderly man with Alzheimer's disease don't even remember your name, or if you're his daughter or his sister, however, always appreciate that caress or that hug. That is going to be your language in every day.
Don't panic if at a given moment it reacts badly and be aggressive, their emotions are now uncontrolled, but with a safe environment, with the daily support and warm and constant emotional stimuli, their status will be more stable.
As you can see, we are talking about at all times of the dependent person's needs, but you must not overlook the fact that also you need support and help .
Never leave aside your hobbies, and your social relations tries above all share responsibilities with other people, in this way, you won't feel saturated.
See also: positive emotions improve health
6. help other professionals
Nothing happens if you help other professionals in day to day to care for your family, or if you take it to a day centre or allow to come home a therapist. Not that is the reason why you like them less or you are a bad caregiver, unlike.Sometimes we need advice from professionals, because we are not experts in this disease, and can not offer such multidisciplinary care.
A person with Alzheimer's need to know move it if it has no autonomy, need they aseen him every day, which take care of feeding, which encourage him cognitively and give you the most appropriate medication.
We will offer you all our love and all our care, but don't feel bad if, at a given moment, you need "more help". All that is to improve the quality of life of our family, will be fine.
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