So our make-up does not make us appear older than those we have it is essential that the skin is relaxed and rested. It is advisable to prepare it before with natural masks

How we can look younger and fresh face? As you may know, a good nutrition and proper life habits are essential keys. However, the make-up can also be a great ally.
Now, we must be careful. Makeup has rules, a few tricks. If you do it incorrectly can fall into the trap of putting us "older" which we really have. But with a few simple tricks, you can have a really great look. Do you want to know these simple secrets? We disclose them you then.
1. a light-filled look

What a beautiful face without a rested and luminous look? So. As you can already guess, one of the keys to essential to looking younger is to start by our eyes. One of the greatest enemies of our eyes are those annoying circles. Them, who give us sometimes older than we have.
Who not has suffered them some morning? Now let's see what we can do to qualify them.
Tricks to fix dark circles and bags under the eyes
Imagine you wake up to a morning with unsightly. With these dreadful under eye dark circles. No problem. We encourage you to follow these simple steps:- Prepare an infusion of Chamomile. Half a glass of water with two bags of Chamomile.
- As you do, take a small spoon of coffee and put it in the refrigerator.
- When Chamomile has rested, take these two bags and put one in each eye for 5 minutes. Then grab the spoon that you had in the fridge and apply it in the eyes. In dark circles. The gelidez of the metal will make that it wakes the circulation. It is really effective.
- See combining the cold spoon with the bag of Chamomile. You'll see what good looking now have your eyes. Ready to make them.
Tricks of makeup for eyes
We will first use an good "first" or pre-basic for eyes. Thus imperfections are attenuated and the shadow last longer. Use a good feed, since thus we offer light to look.We maquillaremos us lashes with mascara and delinearemos only the upper part of the eye. In bottom of lacrimal is ideal to use a white eyeliner. It gives more depth to your look. It also uses shades of warm, peach, rose and gold tones, which makes your skin warmer, sweeter.
2. a skin fresh and pink

Facial home for a younger skin
There are simple home remedies by which get to look younger. Its secret lies in its natural properties, their nutrition and their exceptional benefits. Takes note of how to make these facial.1 cucumber mask
- Half cucumber peeled and sliced.
- 2 Chamomile teabags.
- A bag of green tea.
- 5 grams of Aloe Vera (aloe vera gel).
Leave to Act 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
2. papaya and honey mask
- Half papaya puree.
- 3 tablespoons of honey.
- 3 tablespoons Greek yogurt.
Tricks of makeup for your face
- Use a good base that also protect you from the Sun's rays. Be a tone lower than your skin, and with a satin finish. It offers a very suitable, flattering and youthful result.
- Used in your cheeks a good illuminator: provide you with a fresh and delicate touch. The peach-coloured, for example, is very effective.
- It outlines your eyebrows with a Brown pencil. You know that they are fashion eyebrows a little more populated. Give us a more cheerful, friendly and youthful air. Do you remember for example the eyebrows of Audrey Hepburn?
3 healthy and sexy lips

Simple tricks to look super lips
As you know, one of the main enemies of the lips is to have them dry or with skins. Give us a tired and even sick air. And what is worse, when you want to make them is impossible. Because Carmine does not adhere, because it offers a wrong place and is not pretty.Takes note of everything you have to do to show off beautiful lips and look younger:
- Get an infusion of Chamomile. Only half a glass with a sachet. Allows you to sit.
- Once it is warm, grab an algodoncito and rub on your lips.
- Now pick up a spoonful of sugar and apply it in a cotton, for then, exfoliate your lips with it. Get a soft massage, as well, to remove all the dead skin.
- Now apply a little petroleum jelly.
- Allows you to act on your lips 10 minutes, then remove it with a new massage.
- Now, your lips should be free from impurities, fresh and well hydrated. We move now to choose a color? You know that when it comes to make-up the mouth must be a balance. If your eyes are very loaded with mascara and shadow, choose a nude shade or pink for your lips.
- If on the other hand, you've just highlighted a little lashes, and lights a few soft shadows, you can choose a high lip color. A very flattering colour is, for example, orange or cherry colour.
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