In our space you talk very often about the importance of "purge toxins". We usually offer remedies and tips to clean your body properly, but seldom you have indicated are the sources of all these harmful elements that come to our body.
From where are those toxins that become ill or poisoned our body?
1. environmental toxins

- One of the sources of most common intoxication is, undoubtedly, pollution from cars and our industries, breathable waste that remain suspended in the atmosphere of our cities and out continuously.
- Toxins of our cleaning products such as, for example, those containing chlorine or ammonia. You think that everything that we use for cleaning and has a "strong odor" contains toxins that we just inhaling.
- Fertilizers or pesticides that we usually use for our plants or Garden.
- Paints and varnishes. It may seem astonishing, but sometimes the painting that comes off of the walls of our homes, our workplaces (especially if they are factories or metal vessels) or, even, our cars, are highly dangerous toxins that we breathe without realizing, because they are imperceptible. Same thing happens with the clothes we wear. The paintings that are made dyes, are also very dangerous. Although, obviously, the quantities that we "absorb" are minimal, long term it can cause problems.
- The gases of the air conditioners.
- The rust of our homes.
- We have to be careful also with sprays. Those products that we use for cleaning the home and even for our hair are very toxic.
- Worth remembering as well same as many beauty treatments we use daily also contain harmful, toxic elements that our skin absorbs and arriving directly in our body. Would you like an example very clear? The aluminum present in large number of deodorants.
Toxins from the food and drug

- According to us experts, the most worrying toxins come from the drugs. the reason? It costs more to remove them and, in general, they are heavy metals that remain in our liver or kidneys, making us sick. They are rather complex situations because, if we need a specific treatment, we can not take it because of side effects from these toxins that accumulate in our body. It is recommended that we consume only medicines prescribed by physicians and in the exact amounts, always knowing the adverse effects.
- Foods. As you know, in recent times, the food industry is being very criticized for excessive use of chemicals, preservatives and toxins -laden elements which, sometimes, pose much risk to our health. Many of our fruits and vegetables, as you may know, are grown with pesticides, harmful elements that we consume almost every day.
How to defend ourselves from the largest possible number of toxins

We know that it is not easy. We cannot go down the street with a mask or grow our own garden to feed exclusively on the. The most important is, without doubt, be aware that we are surrounded by small enemies that we must deal with through measures which, although we do not create it, can be very effective.
Takes note of the following proposals:
- Always buy food grown in organic way. While it is true that are somewhat more expensive, it is always worthwhile. For your health and for your family.
- Clean well all the fruits and vegetables you want to consume.
- Avoids, to the extent that you can, cleaning containing many chemicals. You know that there are options more appropriate and effective as, for example, the baking soda, white vinegar or even lemon.
- You never believe or take more medication than necessary.
- Looking for beauty products as natural as possible. You know that there are companies dedicated to this, firms that use exclusively natural ingredients and that Furthermore, not tested with animals.
- Prevents the household fresheners. They tend to be quite harmful, it certainly is better use essential oils.
- Ivy.
- The potos.
- The spathiphyllum.
- Aglaonema.
- Chamaedorea.
- The sansevieria.
- Philodendron.
- Remember to also drink water low in mineralization. Use a debugger on your shower so that the water with which you swimming is healthier.
- Don't forget to not drink every day purifying juice or start the day, for example, with a glass of warm water with lemon.
- There are also very effective depuratives infusions , as it is the case of ponytail or thyme. If you remember to take them every day after lunch, your health will thank you.
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