Much has been written and said about the properties of the vitamins and minerals; all of them are necessary for our organism, and if we could know the benefits they bring to our body, safe well we would do a total change in our diet.
Let's see what gives us vitamin C and in which foods can be found.
What is vitamin C and where to find it?
Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for our body; Apart from the benefits that by itself exerts on it, vitamin C also helps our body to better absorb other nutrients that we need, such as iron.Vitamin C can be found in almost all fruits and vegetables, in greater or lesser quantities. Therefore a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, is always recommended as it is the best source to get the quantities that our body needs vitamin. Oranges and tangerines are the pieces of fruit that offer us the highest concentration of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is used for what?
Long ago, it was believed that vitamin C was used to prevent colds and flu, but recent studies, have not been able to demonstrate the effectiveness of this on them. However, the same studies have shown that vitamin C can be used, and is used to prevent many diseases.Among the diseases that vitamin C prevents or help treat, according to studies, are:
-Treatment and prevention of lack of vitamin C in our bodies.
Vitamin C has been proved to be possibly effective for:
-Have a better absorption of iron.
-Treatment for wrinkles of the skin.
-Reduction in odds of having oral cancer and other types of cancer.
-Treat low blood pressure.
-Prevent and improve the symptoms of the sunburn.
-Prevent the progression of osteoarthritis.
-Treatment of stomach ulcers.
-Prevention of atherosclerosis.
-To reduce the chance of having pre-eclampsia in pregnancy.
-Improve the symptoms of ADHD.
-Many other conditions.
However, vitamin C has proven ineffective for:
-Reduction of risk of a stroke.-Prevention of pancreatic cancer.
-Treatment of bronchitis.
-Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.
-Dela prevention of type 2 diabetes.
There are many other diseases and problems that can be treated or enhanced with vitamin C, so it is most important that everyone take the recommended amounts of this vitamin.

While yet there is no evidence to say the benefits of vitamin C in the treatment of certain problems, this is still very important to them, and to be done further studies in this field, we most know everything that can help us with this vitamin intake daily.
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