Water retention, also known as dropsy, affects millions of women, It is not a disease, but is one symptom of others.
For this reason, before complaining that we have fluid retention, should we care to know if their cause is a disease of the heart, kidneys, or digestive tract; and go to our doctor.
What is the fluid retention?
Fluid retention is the consequence of the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of our body.Occurs when there is an imbalance between the forces that regulate the passage of liquids from one area to another. If water is abundant of the Intravascular space to interstitial fluid retention occurs.
Our body, through a complex system of hormones, is constantly tweaking the levels of liquids to keep you constantly. So if drinking more water account, nothing happens, since it is eliminated by the kidneys in the form of urine, or through the sweat glands.
The problem arises when, for any reason, the body is unable to remove all the liquid necessary to maintain this balance, so called fluid retention occurs.
What may be due the fluid retention?
Within this anomaly/symptom you can find two types, according to their causes;- Organic factors: inflammatory, circulatory disorders. Diseases of certain organs.
- Everyday factors: sedentary lifestyle, stress, the intake of medication, climatic factors.
Fluid retention DURING PREGNANCY
At least 50% of the women suffer from it at some point, especially during the third quarter. Because of the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy is often manifest through a light swelling of ankles and feet.It is not very worrying, although it is advisable to add a comment for the gynecologist.
If the swelling is excessive and is extended to the area of the hands and the face, should seek medical advice.
Water retention remedies
- Get exercise. Any exercise that has to move the legs, easier to the kidneys. If you work sitting stand up at least once a hour and walk around the room. If you can't, move the toes upward and downward, so that the leg muscles exert a pumping action.
- Nothing. Get in the water (pool, sea) and moves the legs, also rest them letting them float, keeping the leg movement.
- Nothing tight-fitting clothes. This also includes socks, will only hurt your swelling. It tries to go it more comfortable and possible.
- Drink water. The more you drink the more you lose, the optimum would be to drink between one and two litres of water a day.
- Baby infusions in fasting. Parsley, Juniper, leaves of olive trees, ponytail, leeks, fresh asparagus and cucumber broth.
- Eat potassium-rich foods: Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. We recommend a daily intake of about 400 Gr. of these foods at a minimum, that would amount to about 5 daily servings.
- Eat foods low in sodium: among the low-sodium foods have lots of fruits and vegetables, although some fruits like the apples, pears or cherries are especially recommended. Some grains such as rice or oats, or potato. Soy or other legumes. We can also use milk or its derivatives.
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