According to studies, this device that is missing in any House can cause serious risks in the health of the people, much or more than any other known addiction. The average number of hours in front of the screen is growing and the problem is also that children, at a very early age, already become dependent on the programs that are broadcast. Discover in this article some of the disadvantages of watching much television.
Television, an entretenimiendo that crossed many lines
In the Decade of the 50, only 8% of households in the United States had an appliance in your home and today, that percentage is the houses around the world that do not have a TV. On average, Americans watching five hours of television and the implications for society are really disturbing. Polls indicate that reports little pleasure and it's an addiction such as drugs or cigarette . It offers a benefit in the short term but then leads to unhappiness and remorse. Viewers indicate that they would prefer to spend less time in front of the screen, although they don't let her look.
At the same time, television has fragmented society. Until several decades ago, free hours spent in family or community. The same is true when it comes to food, everyone sitting at the table are intoxicated by what is shown in "the boob" (as some say) they do not pay attention to what you are eating, and there is no dialogue between the spouses or parents and children. Television, no doubt, has intruded in households and is even a member that always lit.
Disadvantages of watching much television
- Closes any means of communication between the family: as you said earlier, there is no dialogue, no wonder how was your day? They don't talk about important issues. All silent watching TV, while pick as "zombies". Isolates so that each room has a television, which interrupted the dinner, the time par excellence to meet family, talk and live.

- Programming does not know of schedules: Because of the cable, the time is infinite and invaluable. At any time you can see a movie, a football match, a kitchen or cartoon. So as the hours pass unnoticed. The person does not take conscience that the clock hands move and maybe can spend hours sitting on the couch without realizing it.
- Achieved that the senses are "vague" and "comfortable": when we are in front of the TV, it not "demands us" think or do too much, just looking and looking. Then, we lose the sensation of the senses. It is that TV reads, thinks, speaks, listen, says, analyses, all for the man.

- Does not teach: there is a belief wrong in relation to "educating television". What educate, are the books. Programs that are broadcast on the television without a prominent intellectual content, but rather it's segments limited data that do not provide too. The main television, this is important to know it, aims to entertain, so people should invest time (which could be used otherwise) looking at that device. And at the same time, the information provided is segmented, subjective, negative and in quantity, which saturates the reasoning of any human being. Violence, sexuality, the morbid, murders, drugs, theft, the adultizacion of children, the lack of ethics, the autonomy of women, etc are the issues that we are most exposed so much to watch TV.
- Leave out other positive habits, as it can be read: what would happen if the time used in sitting on the sofa to watch TV spent it to read a good book? Society, no doubt, would be different. Increasingly fewer parents encourage their children to read, is better to remain hypnotized against that "friend" that happens entertainment programs throughout the day. A book, unlike television, allows to make the imagination, not have misspellings, better manage the language and use synonyms.

- Helps the sedentary lifestyle: It is not enough to spend eight hours sitting at a desk in the office, but that the continuous routine at home, sitting in front of the TV. And, as I said previously, eating without "food" i.e. not knowing what or how much you carry to the mouth. When not doing exercise, are more likely to suffer from cholesterol, cardiovascular attacks, obesity, etc. In addition, watching TV does not allow us doing outdoor activities like go out strolling, walking, bicycling, playing in the garden with children, give back Apple with the dog, etc.
- Exposes us to the advertising "claws": during the commercial court, companies play a race to see who can sell more "solutions" for our problems (invented, ofcourse). The batches created fictitious and superficial needs to us, show us an ideal world, where parties are always fun, where those who smoke are happy, where those who eat in fast food restaurants are healthy, where women must be perfect and all day in heels and made-up. And not to mention the political advertising that takes advantage of the fact that people do not think to "meddle" in the minds of viewers.

Images courtesy of espensorvik, flash.pro, Chris Brown.
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