If you decide on the peeling with steam, be very careful not to burn yourself. You can then take that pores are dilated to remove blackheads and pimples

Become an exfoliation or a natural peeling is an excellent idea to remove the imperfections of the face, such as spots or acne, and is also a good option to mitigate wrinkles or fine lines. Realized very easily, apply in a matter of minutes and the results are really great. You know what are the best natural Scrubs in this article.
What is a peeling?
Is the name in English for Exfoliating and aims to remove layers of dead skin cells. Thus, we can have a face more beautiful, without spots, marks, acne, blackheads, scars and even wrinkles. While it is true that known peels that are practiced in centers of aesthetics, laser or other highly corrosive tools to the dermis, we can take advantage of the benefits of fruits, vegetables and other foods to achieve similar results, or even better.It is necessary to have good clean face before making a peeling, so it is recommended to wash with neutral SOAP and warm water. There is not a trace of makeup and that it is completely dry. We recommend also exfoliate a day that does not leave home, as being the weekend, so the Sun's rays do not damage skin which is newly treated. And once we finished the treatment moisturizing cream (homemade or purchased) can be used to protect the dermis of the face.

The best natural Scrubs
- Cornstarch and lemon scrub recipe: need the juice of one lemon, a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of corn flour, two tablespoons of rose water and some drops of lemon essential oil. Mix the flour with rose water to form a paste that is well integrated. Add the sugar, the juice and finally the essential oil. Mix and apply on the face using circular massage. Leave to act for a few minutes and wash well with fresh water. Place a tonic to close the pores.
- Recipe for peeling with sugar and olive oil: ingredients are two spoonfuls of sugar, two tablespoons of olive oil and half a tablespoon of lemon juice. The three in a bowl mix well until they are perfectly integrated. It applies in the face with movements or massages in circle and leave 10 minutes approximately. Remove with cold water so that the pores are closed.

- Strawberry scrub recipe: precise three or four strawberries, a tablespoon of yogurt and two tablespoons of oats. Place strawberries without the Cape in a bowl and crush with yogurt and oats until a smooth paste is you. You can also use the blender. Place on your face and let about 15 or 20 minutes, rinse with cold water. Repeat two times a week.
- Peeling with salt recipe: is used mostly for skin that is not the face because it is powerful enough. The ingredients with four cups of fine sea salt, a cup of olive oil, a cup of almond oil and several drops of essence of lavender. In a bowl place the salt and oils. When they are well integrated add the essence of lavender. To apply, massage-shaped circular no more than two tablespoons at a time. Once or twice a week simply to exfoliate. Leave to act for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.
- Yogurt and salt scrub recipe: two tablespoons natural yoghurt and a tablespoon of sea salt fine are needed. Put everything in a bowl and mix well. Apply with gentle massage on skin and wait 20 minutes before removing with warm water.

- Peel of grapefruit recipe: ingredients are simply the juice of a grapefruit and a tablespoon of sugar. When well mixed place in the face leaving a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. You repeat three times a week, always leaving a rest day.
- Tomato and lemon scrub recipe: need a tomato, juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of sugar. Crush the tomato, which must be well mature into a bowl and add the lemon and sugar. With circular massage spread all over your face and leave about 15 minutes to work. Then rinse with cold water so that the pores are closed.
- Peeling with sand recipe: when we go to the beach can take advantage of to make an Exfoliating treatment on our legs, feet and heels (which so forgotten always are). Simply rub the sand gently, preferably after take a swim in the sea, with the still damp skin . Together with the action of salt water, you'll get an incredible result.
- Coffee scrub recipe: it is effective and you only need a few tablespoons of ground coffee , which is added to the favorite moisturizer. Rub this mixture on your skin and wash it with hot water. If there is more cream, it closes the pores using cold water. Don't forget a tonic for treatment.
- Peeling with steam recipe: can opt to put to boil a pot of water and place the head over with a towel, as that is when we are sick. Hold as much as you can while being careful not to burn you and then take advantage of to take off all the blackheads and pimples. The second alternative is to place a towel in boiling water and place over your face when you can stand it, for 15 minutes.

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