Close to labor day, the expectant mother has an important decision taken, you must choose if he breastfeeds her baby or fed artificial milk.
It is an important decision, especially if the mother is first, because the choice determines the child's feeding, but also the habits of life of the mother in the coming months.
All involved professionals advise, without any doubt, the breastfeeding whenever this is possible, because no one doubts the nutritional benefits for the newborn of this food, but we must not forget that it also brings benefits otherwise and also for the mother.
Advantages of breastfeeding for the baby
Breastfeeding provides the appropriate amounts of sugars, fats and proteins, but also provides vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes and hormones. In addition, its composition varies depending on the needs of the child, vary from day to day, according to time of day and even in the same take, the composition is not the same at the beginning than at the end.Breast milk contains antibodies and stimulates the immune system, making it better fight bacterial and viral infections. Thanks to this aspect, there is also evidence that children tolerate better vaccines.
The digestive system of a newborn is still immature. Here we find another benefit, because breast milk is more digestible, therefore the child will have fewer episodes of diarrhea, constipation and colic.
Its benefits are also noticeable in adulthood, as children raised with breast milk have lower incidence of type I diabetes because the introduction of cow's milk is delayed. It also protects against obesity by the presence of the hormone leptin, and so many more diseases such as allergies, asthma, sudden death, vascular diseases, etc.
Breastfeeding is particularly beneficial for premature infants because the mother's milk adapts to your needs and contains more calcium and protein than normal breast milk.
But we must not forget the benefits that also presents to the mother.
What the benefit to the mother breastfeeding?
Nursing mothers recover more quickly and easily changes resulting in your body the pregnancy. By child nipple suction stimulates the release of oxytocin, hormone responsible for the uterus to recover its normal state, the detachment of the placenta and that there is less loss of blood, with the consequent better recovery from anemia.Numerous studies have shown that mothers who have given the chest, lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer. It also has a greater protection against osteoporosis when they reach menopause.
Finally, I'd like to give the importance that deserves the link so strong that it creates between mother and son to share a moment so important and intimate bond that is maintained during the rest of the life.
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