The chest muscles occupy much of the surface of the breasts, which are under these, called pectoralsto strengthen them breasts there are several exercises with which various benefits can be.
Exercise bench with dumbbells to strengthen breast
Lie on the bench with dumbbells in hands, arms extended behind the head and the palms of the hands facing up. Does circular and continuous movement, away the arms of the body and then bring together them until you break up the thighs. He made 5 sets of 10 reps.Exercises to combat sagging of the breasts
These exercises are suitable for lifting sagging breasts.Performed pushups to work the muscles underneath and on top of the breasts. Stand upside down, with your hands at shoulder height and lifting body until the arms are fully stretched and your back straight; then slowly lower and returns to the starting position. You can do 4 sets of 10 reps every two days.
The exercise below will teach you must use a bench and some dumbbells; lie down in the Bank face-up, with dumbbells in your hands and palms facing forward. Arms go up and down slowly until your arms are parallel to the ground, performs 4 sets of 10 reps every two days.
It will be more effective that these exercises make them every two days so that the chest muscles recover properly from possible tears of muscle fibers.
Exercises to burn fat and tone your breasts
It is important to tone your breasts with cardiovascular exercise , which include exercises, like walking, jumping rope and running, that are ideal for burning calories, and that you must be at least four or five times a week for 45 minutes. Elliptical training, swimming and rowing, which help to burn fat and at the same time strengthen the pectoral muscles is effective.Lie down on a bench and used two dumbbells, put your arms on your chest, and lower them slowly until they are parallel to the floor, and then goes up to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.
Consume a diet rich in nutrients, abundant in fruits vegetable, cereals integrals and lean meatsand avoiding sweets, processed foods and coffee, that add excess calories. It will be important to take smaller meals to increase metabolism and reduce fat.
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