It is not necessary to follow a strict diet with water of strawberries. We can consume it at breakfast to detoxify our body and take advantage of all of its properties

Strawberries are not only that seductive gift of nature that gives so much life to our desserts. This small attractive Crimson tone fruit, holds in his heart huge benefits for our body. Are some great cleaning substances that are not good for our body, we cleanse, nourish us with vitamins and antioxidants and, if esto wasn't enough, help us to lose weight. Do you want to know more?
Why do we need to purify the organism?

- The large number of toxins that can store the human body is incredible. But how they reach us? you might wonder. They become two-way, an external and other internal. The first is when we receive items from the environment and food, and the second happens when our own body created by action of the radical free, intestinal bacteria, parasites, etc.
- What happens is that there comes a time when our purifying system, formed by the liver and kidneys, he feels collapsed by them and they begin to accumulate these toxins, appearing a number of symptoms.
- We are tired, leave us eruptions of acne, us resfriamos, we stress, headache...
- Consuming water of strawberries, will help us achieve a natural cleansing, whereby the body is renewed, alleviating the intense work of the liver and kidneys.
Other benefits of strawberries

- Strawberries are a powerful diuretic, purifying and antioxidant.
- They are rich in vitamins A, C, and E -
- They are rich in iron, vitamin K and folic acid.
- They take care of our heart.
- Strawberries have properties anti-inflammatory, so help us when we have muscle problems or any disease of the bones.
- Strawberries have a soluble fiber, which translates into an ideal support for the absorption of carbohydrates and help to keep the sugar levels balanced.
- It is good to treat constipation.
How to draft and drinking the water of strawberries

Ingredients for a glass every morning
- 5 strawberries
- The juice of half a lemon
- 2 mint leaves
- The first thing we will do is wash ingredients well. We recommend that after washing, you immerse them a few seconds in water boiling. Take care that the strawberries are in good condition, must be fresh so you can take advantage of its benefits.
- Now don't have more to go through the mixer the ingredients: strawberries, lemon juice, and mint leaves. Get a good homogeneous mixture.
- Now included in this mix a cup of water and again beat to mix well.
- If you include a couple of ice cubes, the drink will be even more pleasant and refreshing.
Who does water strawberries benefit?
- Persons with uric acid.
- Patients with arthritis and rheumatism.
- If you suffer from high blood pressure or cardiovascular problems.
- If you have anemia, because it elevates your dose of vitamin C, so you better sintetices the iron.
- To people with diabetes, hypoglycemia-impaired or altered glucose metabolism.
- Children and pregnant women by its high content in vitamins.
- Any person who wishes to purify your body, feeling tired or swollen.
Who can not take water strawberries?
- Strawberry water is not recommended to all those who suffer from colitis, or irritable, or simply have the delicate intestine.
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