After achieving results with diet and have reached the weight that we wanted, it is normal that some parts of our body are a little more gorditas and flabby. In the case of the legs can help much to making reductor massage to give a better appearance and get to make the skin look firmer.
In addition to reduce localized fat, reducing massage help fight cellulite and benefits the blood and lymph circulation. To always have better results it is recommended to follow a balanced diet and exercise.
How to make a reductor massage for legs?
Make a homemade firming cream or purchase one on the market to facilitate and complement the treatment is recommended before doing the reductor massage.Reductor massage # 1
To make the reductor massage your legs follow these steps at the foot of the letter:- First of all you should apply the cream reaffirming in your legs using a lot.
- Lying, place your fingers over the groin and with them starts to make a movement of pressure, pulling slightly skin.
- Then with both hands takes a portion of your legs and raise it as trying to twist it always exerting some pressure. Repeat this step with all parts of the leg you want to reduce.
- Another alternative is to take a part of leg with both hands and start to put pressure on her with movements upwards.
Reductor massage #2
To make this reductor massage you can make use of almond oilor firming cream, follow these instructions.- Apply a good amount of cream or oil of almonds on the legs (the almond oil is ideal to reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks).
- Takes a portion of your leg on one side and exerting pressure to move it towards the other side being careful with the pressure not to cause a bruise. He has 10 seconds and relax the leg, then take another part of the leg and repeat the procedure.
- It is recommended to make sessions of 20 minutes 3 times a week for best results.
Reductor massage #3

This massage technique is recommended for liquid Glycerin to lubricate the area that you want to massage, also use the reducing cream homemade or from the market.
- Apply Glycerin liquid on the legs and massage soft, circular motion while you apply it.
- When you've applied glycerine very well are going to start doing a basic movements of friction, kneading and tapping technique, for this takes the area you want to lose weight with both hands and slowly you massage good pressure to help mobilize fats.
- Performs the massage in the same orientation as the clock hands and applied the technique very well, you can start to make friction with both hands making a part of the leg, and then you relax a few seconds and amasas with good strength, taking care to not cause bruises.
- This massage should last at least 20 minutes and twice a week should be. For best results it is recommended to take 2 litres of water every day.
Reductor massage #4

Is recommended to do this reductor massage before or during the daily bath, is very simple and the technique is easy to apply, you can complement it with a cream firming or reducing.
- Cleans very well the part of your legs you want to massage, without you prefer you can apply a small amount of alcohol.
- With a soft sponge massage the area of your legs making circular movements while exerting a little pressure on them.
- Clean again the massage area and then apply the cream reduction/or affirming.
- Massage gently and slowly with both hands knead the area you want to reduce, exercises good pressure but not in a suddenly because you can cause bruising.
- With both hands massaging the leg top down and bottom up, good pressure and rest a few seconds.
- It carries out the session for half an hour and repeat the procedure at least 3 times a week.
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