Properties of Eggplant to reduce abdominal fat

The Eggplant should not drink is never crude, since it could be toxic. Being rich in water, in addition to not get fat, help us to debug the body
Propiedades de la berenjena para bajar la grasa abdominal
One of the most nutritious vegetables we can find at the fair, perfect for those who are dieting or want to lose weight. You can enjoy different preparations and recipes, already it is baked, boiled, sautéed, etc. You know what are the properties of Eggplant to lower abdominal fat in the following article.

Eggplant, a great ally for weight loss

Even though there are many vegetables and fruits that can help us in our goal to lose weight, especially in the abdominal area, it must not dismiss the power that have the eggplant. This vegetable's color purple well dark and with a characteristic taste, not only provides a minimum amount of calories but also provides several benefits to our health.
It is good to know that Eggplant should eat always cooked, never crude, because it can be toxic to our body (cause an upset stomach). The color of this vegetable is due to anthocyanins, with excellent benefits. In addition, it provides antioxidants, vitamins and minerals (such as potassium). Only provides 20 calories per 100 grams and it brings fullness, therefore, must be present in the diets for weight loss.
As if that weren't enough, Eggplant have a good amount of water in its composition. Improve the blood circulation, brings fiber to purify the body, reduces bad cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is an excellent diuretic which removes fluid retention. Improves the performance of bile, prevents anemia and is very good for the skin. Used topically soothes the pain of minor burns by the Sun.
It is good to keep in mind that all these properties can leverage them when we eat cooked vegetables, baked, steamed or grilled, not breaded, fried or with sauce.
Berenjena para adelgazar

Eggplant juice slimming belly

This recipe is really simple and at the same time effective to eliminate belly fat and lose weight. Follow these steps:
  • Wash and dry well a large Eggplant (or two small), cut into small cubes.
  • Place in medium saucepan and cover with water at least up to half.
  • Light the fire, simmer for five minutes, remove and set aside until it cools.
  • With a strainer, strain the water into a container, if it is glass, better. You can use boiled Eggplant for other recipes.
  • It covers the jar or container and leads to the fridge.
  • Drink four glasses of juice or water from eggplants per day. You can mix it with juice (squeezed) orange. The first shot should be before breakfast and the last before bedtime.
  • Repeat this treatment for at least two weeks, always using a "new" Eggplant to boil water.

Another recipe of Eggplant juice

This is similar to the previous, but it is made directly with orange juice. You'll need a large eggplant or two small and two oranges. Cut the Eggplant into seven equal pieces and squeeze the juice from the oranges. Blend everything and drink at breakfast. Do not eat anything until the lunch break. Repeat once a day for two weeks. Remember at the same time perform a hypocaloric diet, physical activity three times a week and drink two litres of water a day.

More Eggplant recipes

If you want to lose weight and don't know what to eat, you can take advantage of the benefits of Eggplant (and also, since you have done the water of aubergines, will have several boiled that a penalty is thrown away). Therefore, take a look at these simple recipes:

Eggplant rolls stuffed with

The ingredients you need are:
  • a large eggplant.
  • a carrot.
  • a Green Apple.
  • a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • a tablespoon of soy sauce.
  • half a lemon.
  • one tablespoon of sunflower oil.
  • a pinch of ground garlic.
  • salt and pepper.
Peel the carrot and Apple, and cut into thin Julienne Add soy sauce, juice of lemon, pepper and salt and left to macerate. Cut the aubergines into slices, seasoned with pepper and salt, and grilled with very little oil, simmer, cooking until they are tender. Stretched on a plate, place the filling of carrots and apples and get a roll wrapping.

Roasted eggplant

The ingredients for four parts are:
  • 2 aubergines
  • 100 ml of olive oil
  • 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • salt, black pepper
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of thyme
Cut eggplants into slices of the same thickness approximately, placing them as if they were layered in a baking tray, add olive oil, salt and pepper. Lastly, garlic, thyme and laurel. It leads to the oven for 15 minutes.

Eggplant Pate

This Arab food recipe is a delicious starter and low-calorie. The ingredients are:
  • Two eggplants
  • Olive oil
  • two cloves of garlic
  • lemon juice
  • salt, pepper and cumin to taste
Cut the aubergines into slices, peeled and pass them grilled so browned a bit. Then cut into squares and leads to food processor or blender, adding the lemon juice, the chopped garlic, olive oil and seasonings. Mix well to obtain a paste.

Eggplant stuffed with spinach and brown rice

The ingredients needed are:
  • Two eggplants
  • Two cups of brown rice
  • a bundle of spinach
  • a carrot
  • an onion
  • two tablespoons of olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • Optional: ham and cheese
Cut eggplants in half horizontally and cooking in the oven for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, make the rice. It Fluffs the eggplants and chop the pulp. You Sauté skillet with vegetable spray and dora the onions with the carrots and spinach. Mix with the pulp of Eggplant and rice. Use everything to fill Baked Eggplant. You can cook au gratin with a few slices of ham fat or nonfat cheese.
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