Natural remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome

It is very important to take care of our positions when we sleep not to interrupt circulation to any area of the body. We can also make local exercises to reduce stress
Remedios naturales para el síndrome del túnel carpiano
It is a very common problem for the type of work and life we carry, against the computer several hours a day. It has various symptoms, such as weakness of the hand or fingers, numbness, and tingling. Learn the causes and the best natural remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is and which causes the "carpal tunnel syndrome"?

It is a condition where there is significant pressure on the median nerve in the wrist, allowing the movement and sensation of the hand, including fingers and the Palm. It is a narrow "tunnel", so any small inflammation can compress the nerve, causing pain, weakness or numbness.
This syndrome is caused by excessive use of the computer, i.e. by typing on the keyboard or do many "clicks" with the mouse, repeat movements to work, by playing a musical instrument, or play certain sports. These activities may also cause tendinitis or bursitis.
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in the majority of cases in people between 30 and 60 years, being more frequent in men than in women. Some of the additional factors that can trigger it are:
  • Alcoholism
  • Arthritis of wrist
  • Bones fracture
  • Cyst or tumor on the wrist
  • Infections
  • Obesity
  • Water retention (pregnancy or menopause)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
The most common symptoms of a person suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome are:
  • Numbness or tingling in the thumb of one or both hands (according to trigger activity), also on the index fingers and more.
  • Tingling in the same areas
  • Pain that goes from hand to elbow
  • The "fine" movements of coordination problems
  • Weak grip for carrying bags
  • Weakness in hands
  • Feeling of warmth in the fingers or Palm
  • Regular nocturnal numbness

Home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Consumes a tablespoon of flax seed oil per day during two to four consecutive weeks. Fatty acids prevent or interrupt the inflammation.
  • Eat foods that contain lots of vitamin B6 such as potatoes, bananas, Brown rice chicken breast or green vegetables.
  • Placed on the wrist or hand ice packs, to diminish inflammation. Never place a pillow or towel hot because it worsens the picture.
  • I soak a cotton cloth with some tincture of arnica and apply on the affected area.
  • Pour in a cup of water boiling two tablespoons of powdered ginger . Cover and let cool. It consumes two cups per day, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
  • Boil three tablespoons of flour of fenugreek with plenty of water for 15 minutes, to form a paste. When it cools, it applies in the area that hurts.

3 healing juices for carpal tunnel syndrome

  • The first of them has as ingredients 1 grapefruit or grapefruit, 1 orange and 1 slice of pineapple, peeled. Wash and cut in half the two first, extracting its juice. Then place this liquid in a blender, adding chopped pineapple slice. Blend and strain. Drink a glass once every three days in fasting (as a preventive measure) or daily (to combat the pain or symptoms).
  • The second juice takes 1 leaf Kale, large and 2 Green apples. Wash, Peel and chop the apples, put them in the Blender along with the leaf of cabbage and water. Blend a few minutes. Drink a glass per day.
  • The third recipe ingredients is 1 slice of peeled pineapple, half Apple and 1 small slice of ginger. Chop the pineapple and place it in the blender. Add the Apple without Peel and seeds and the slice of ginger. Drink a glass every day, as much as possible in the morning.

Recommendations to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Keep a natural and neutral position: avoid being with hands or wrists bent, always extended (to the extent possible). If you use much keyboard, this needs to be positioned so that the dolls do not have the need to be in an unnatural position. Prevents unscrew or pick up objects with the first three fingers of the hand, but with all this puts more pressure on the carpal tunnel. Rest two minutes for each hour of work and where possible, changes of activity.
  • Leads a healthy life: this will cause that do not suffer problems in the circulatory system in general. Sleep well, exercise, avoid smoking, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink water, put aside the fats and sugars, etc.
  • Takes care of the position in which you sleep: during the night, it is advisable to keep arms close to the body and wrists straight, to avoid pressure if they remain under body or in a painful position that can cause inflammation.
  • Specific exercises for the area: will help improve circulation and reduce tension. You can, for example, make circles for both directions with dolls, placing the Palms down first; tighten thumb, holding the hand out and holding the right thumb with your left hand, pressing gently as "stretching" (repeated five times and changes of hand); spread the fingers securely among themselves, opening and closing; tighten the hand as much as possible with a rubber ball or hold a light weight (not exceeding two pounds) with the Palm of the hand, forearm rests on a table and the doll at the edge, lift the weight by bending the wrist.
  • Uses ergonomic objects: the keyboard is one of the most common, but there are also others. These articles are that there is less strain on the wrists, hands and elbows.
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