To the shower several times throughout the day remove oils and our skin's protective barrier. Try not to abuse the hot water and use natural soaps

Bathe daily can damage our health, it is a myth or not in today's article them will know and apart from this will give you them some tips to have a proper personal hygiene when cleaning our body in the shower.
The idea of hygienic habits is to practice them in a good manner and thus be able to find the ideal balance to not harm our body; know that the skin is a vital organ in our 'temple' (our bodies), and not only that, also is the largest and body more exposed to bacteria that we have throughout the body.
We tend to swim several times a day and different reasons lead us to do so, either to be very heated, also after exercise and even take showers of hot water to relax, but caution because as we nombrábamos it earlier, the excess can be very negative.
Reasons to not overdo the number of bathrooms per day

The components of the things that we use to take a bath
We know, or we need to know that most things we use when it comes to bathing have a high content of chemicals such as parabens and Xenoestrogens, some derived from petroleum that obviously are also harmful to our well-being , and are often related to certain types of cancer. Another thing is that the water in some parts of the world tends to be treated excessively and this excess leads to that fluorine also hurt us if we consume it long.Our skin is a complex and extensive organ. Take care of it!
Reiterating the principle of our article we say that the skin is the largest organ of the body and therefore we must take care of it in the best way; skin has oils and different quantity of natural substances that can be widely affected if we exceed the bathroom daily.For this reason avoid washing our skin repeatedly on the day, to help preserve its natural components such as bacterial flora, which is one of its main and therefore most important component when it comes to protecting us from strange skin agents.
Tips for hygiene in the shower

Well we already know that bathe daily not affects us as such, which affects us itself is to exceed the number of baths per day and use products excessively highly chemical in the body; Knowing this, here we present a series of tips for better hygiene in the shower.
- Do not abuse the hot water; We love to take a bath with hot water regardless of the reason, but we must bear in mind that the hot water during periods of time increases the problems of the dermis; so to enjoy the water warm, soak in a short time and with a moderate temperature.
- Is to use mild soaps and few chemicals, if you can get natural soaps would be much better for our bodies.
- The ideal when it comes to apply facial masks is made before the shower and not later, this way to avoid the skin to absorb chemicals that irritate us.
- After applying us products such as SOAP, shampoo and many others it is recommended to rinse us very appropriately, so there are no excesses that can cause us to bath dryness.
At what temperature is the water when it comes to swim more recommended?
To conclude our article, it is also important to take into account the temperature of the water, so here we'll give you some recommendations.To make it a cool water are recommended approximately 24 ° C and the effect that will bring will be the of our skin tone. To reach a relatively warm water are recommended the 30° C and the effect that will bring this time will be the relax completely.
Similarly, the hot water of 40 ° C approximately will bring a refreshing effect itself refreshing as they read it; Maybe is because our body to this temperature releases its own heat, thus generating a sense of freshness, similarly avoid excess hot water.
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