10 "embarrassing" but important health problems

Far from being a purely aesthetic problem, obesity can lead to serious, such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease health problems
10 problemas de salud “embarazosos”, pero importantes
Our health is very important. However, in many cases not we pay attention that it deserves. This mainly happens because minimize our infirmities, or because they are embarrassing or shameful to us. However, when health problems we should worry them. Therefore, that you mention below 10 embarrassing, but supremely important health problems.

1 constipation

Constipation is one of the most common health problems, especially among women. In addition to embarrassing, constipation is extremely annoying. Usually due to a diet low in fiber, or pictures of dehydration. Moreover, the symptoms of this condition are usually cramps, abnormal bowel movements, nausea, headache and loss of appetite. Among the most common for constipation remedies are drinking water, include fiber in your diet, take some laxative and even walking or running.

2 acne

Acne tends to be very common during adolescence, a period in which our body undergoes major changes that become uncomfortable or shameful. However, acne is a condition that can occur at any time, so many adults suffer from it. Even acne can leave marks or lesions on the skin that also tend to cause problems to people who suffered it. Broadly speaking, acne may result from hormonal changes or the build-up of fat in certain parts of our body, especially the face. There are different treatments to counter it.

3. cold sores

Cold sores is one of the most annoying and uncomfortable conditions that exist. As we know, labial herpes manifests itself in small blisters that appear especially around the mouth. The best way to fight it is to wash hands constantly, not to touch the affected area, and a healthy diet. In fact, there are topical treatments that are sold in pharmacies.

4. bad breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a very common oral condition. It's a condition caused by bacteria, which produce bad breath. These bacteria can be caused by foods that are consumed, by certain types of drinks, smoking and, above all, for not having a proper oral hygiene. In these cases, halitosis can not only fight with refreshing tablets or toothpaste. You must you have good oral hygiene and use other products such as mouthwash and dental floss.

5 warts

Warts are a type of human papillomavirus, which causes a protein located in the upper layer of the skin to grow in abnormal and disorderly manner. In many cases, warts appear by this type of virus, although some also by poor diet or are a reflection of poor health. In this regard, there are various treatments to get rid of them. However, some disappear alone.

6 athlete's foot

The famous athlete's foot is another of the embarrassing conditions that many people tend to experience at some point in their lives. This is caused by a fungus which, in turn, produces most of the time sweating, itching, cracking feet and bad smell. The latter tends to be the most embarrassing and annoying, since sometimes the smell is very penetrating. Moreover, this ailment is contracted, most of the time, by having contact with public places barefoot.

7. excess body hair

Aclarar axilas
Excess body hair is a very embarrassing problem for certain people, particularly women. Although it can not be considered as a problem of health as such, it is certain that This causes serious problems of self-esteem and insecurity among the people who have much body hair. The conflict is greater when the hair is found on the face, back or arms.

8. excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is very annoying and embarrassing health condition or other problem. Its causes are related to an overproduction of sweat glands. Among its most important consequences must mention bad odor, which is even annoying for others. To try to solve this problem there are now treatments that reduce the overproduction of sweat.

9 dandruff

Dandruff is a common embarrassing problem which, as we know, affects the scalp. Dandruff It can be the result of several factors, but the most common is to be a fungal infection or overproduction of fat. In any case, dandruff can get to see with the naked eye, causing the person that suffers it discomfort and embarrassment. However, on the market there are different products to remedy it, although in particular cases the best is to see a specialist.

10 obesity

Obesity is a very serious health problem which, however, many people do not give it the proper seriousness. This condition can lead to other types of problems such as hypertension, diabetes or cardiovascular problems like heart attacks. Therefore, far from being an aesthetic issue, obesity is a serious health problem that tends to also be something embarrassing or shameful.
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