We've talked about the importance of clean and detoxify, at least once a year, the liver and kidneys. However, we must not forget us of the large intestine or colon, whose main function consists in absorb a fraction of the nutrients that have not previously assimilated and accumulate faeces which then will be driven out.
This cleaning will last a week, although we can extend it up to fifteen days if we notice that we need it. However, it is important that after this cleaning, we try to keep a few good eating habits to continue getting benefits and that our intestines again suffer the negative effects of previous bad habits immediately.
This week we have to be very strict with the power to obtain good results in such a short time. To do this, we will have to delete our diet these foods:
- Cereals and refined flour, as well as its derivatives of bakery and pastry: replace them with grain and wheat flour, with its natural fiber.
- White sugar and sugary drinks: use honey, molasses, brown sugar or jaggery. We can drink natural juices without sugar.
- Refined and fried oils: choose oils of olive or coconut from first cold pressing and will consume them without frying in oil.
- Red meat and sausages: can eat white meat, fish, eggs and vegetables as main protein sources.
- Milk and derivatives: the only exception is the cottage cheese or fresh cheese, preferably of the goat or sheep. We can also take vegetable beverage of rice, millet, spelt, oats, etc.
- We also cultural coffee and tobacco.

These days it is essential to enhance and facilitate bowel function to achieve a good cleaning. To achieve this, we will take each day the following foods:
- Flax seeds: put a teaspoon of linseeds (approx. 10 g) to soak all night. In the morning, on an empty stomach, we will drink the glass of water and the seeds to us.
- Prunes: eat 3 or 4 prunes in fasting, after flax seeds.
- 2 infusions of Dandelion: an a mid-morning and a half late.
- Pumpkin seeds: throughout the day eat 30 pumpkin seeds raw to eliminate possible intestinal parasites that we may have.
- Artichoke: at night, before bed, take an extract of artichoke, who can be fluid, in capsules or tablets, and we can buy it in a shop or pharmacy.

Enemas, which are a traditional remedy that consists of applying water or a medicinal infusion directly into the intestine, throughout the year, will help us to better clean the feces accumulated in the intestine.
During this cure will have to make three enemas, with a day of rest from through.
To apply it, we will need a Jet irrigator or a bulb, sold in pharmacies.
We will need the following ingredients:
- A liter of infusion of Chamomile. We will try to get organic Chamomile.
- The juice of a lemon.
- One teaspoon of sea salt.
- A litre of boiled water.

How do we do it?
- Combine the ingredients and we will have ready the enema-ready.
- We have to introduce these two liters of fluid with the help of the irrigator tube or pump, previously lubricated with a little oil.
- We will do it slowly and stopping whenever you need it.
- We will have to endure as much as possible despite feeling want to evacuate.
- We our if the feeling is very annoying or painful, or after ten minutes.
- Repeat it until you have used all the liquid.
At the end of this cleaning we will have to take a supplement to repopulate the bacterial flora and enhance and prolong the effects of the cleaning. These supplements are sold in pharmacies and must be always separated from meals, preferably on an empty stomach in the morning.
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